Monday, April 9, 2012

It's Not Easy To Walk by Faith When Your Out Of Work

During this time I have been out of work I have been put to the test of walking by faith. This test is not for the faint of heart. You will have many difficulties and trials.

First you must master the Jobs Boards. No longer do you walk into a store and fill out a application. I first encountered this before Christmas when a manager said the only way she could read my resume' was through the computer. The first application and resume' took me several days as I could not even remember my work experience. Hint - {I started working in 1966.}

Several days latter I finally triumphed and filled out almost 20 pages for one job, only to be told when I went back to the store that they we hiring back their college age people for Christmas.

This was only the beginning of my journey through the dark black hole of the job boards. Next, with frustration I headed out and just went into stores filling out applications and giving them my resume.

Finally coming to my wits end I saw a company on the TV and walked in the next day and asked them if they were hiring. To my surprise they said "yes".

Later, three weeks later their name appeared on my caller ID

Still, it really isn't full time work. I finally have realized where our President has lead this country, because 13 million others are with me in this walk of faith and desperation.

Little does it seem he know or cares, with 16 vacations and hundreds of campaign fund raisers, I am convinced that he is not spending too much time on this. Perhaps I seem a little sharp in my assessment, but it is me who has to come up with the monies to exist. Thankfully there have been several who have helped me on my journey or my story could be worse. Nor is it yet over.

Today I read 88 million are not now in the work force. God Bless them and may God please help our country to get back on it's feet.