Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Whose Back Are You Protecting, Mr. President?

For some time now there have been those who have said we were in a group of fighters with Muslim Brotherhood fighting Assad. John Kerry finally admitted that the US is training anti-Assad forces in the Syrian conflict saying "the hope is to convince President Assad to change his current calculation." But there is more behind this than you think.

John Kerry is the first high ranking official to confirm that this is going on. Guess they could no longer sweep it under the rug. In a report put out by Reuters on Dec. 8th, 2012, hardly read,  stating that Brigadier Selim Idris former officier in President's Assad's army was voted to lead a new Islamic military command. But it is noted that this command is tied strongly with the Muslim Brotherhood. A band of security officials from the United States, Britain , France, and Jordan formed with Brigadier Idris and are being trained by these countries. Kerry is the first to confirm this. Kerry "I think what President Obama is hoping to do is to build on what  has already happened. The President put in place sanctions and that helps to strip some of President Assad's ability to fuel his war machine."

This behind the scenes operations is a group of Islamic fighters of which 2/3rds are from the Muslim Brotherhood and it's allies. If this group of fighters overturn Assad, we will have another country the President has turned over to the Muslim Brotherhood along with Egypt. Is it any wonder the White House has tried to keep this quiet?

And think of Israel with another country made up of the  Muslim Brotherhood at it's door step. Kind of wipes away Biden's words said the other day  "No President has done as much to physically secure the state of Israel as President Barack Obama." Makes you kind of wonder, Who's side are you on , Mr. President, and whose back are you really protecting?

A friend of Israel.