Thursday, February 18, 2016

Pope Francis says Trump "Is Not Christian"

Trumps response - "The Pope will wish I was President if ISIS attacks."  The Pope was responding to Trump's calling for deportation of undocumented immigrants and pledges to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. Pope Francis urged the United States to address the "humantarian crises" on it's southern border.

What the Pope needs to understand we have a crisis here in America of people being denied benefits simply because we cannot afford to feed all these people here in the states needing help. Here in Chicago we have people waiting to get food stamps since the middle of December to be reinstated for their food stamps they have been receiving.

American's cannot keep feeding, schooling, and providing medical help for people who are here illegally. An old saying the buck stops here and literally we are reaching a point where we are out of provision even to take care of our own.

Trump also adds - the government in Mexico, has made many disparaging remarks about me to the Pope. 

The reality is American's are beginning to ask why are we helping all these countries when we are a bankrupt government. Where is this money coming from? I think the world thinks we are the food basket of the world. But we are struggling like everyone else. It's not that we don't care, but we have to be more realistic on how much more we can do. And Trump is just calling out that we have to be more realistic about how much can we do.

We have to protect the homeland first. Our people are struggling and we must concern ourselves with taking care of our own.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

One Thing I Agree With Trump - Building The Wall

Since 1980 we have talked about building this wall. This wall that has become almost a joke in that a chain link fence obviously does not work. Because they break through and it is literally sewn together. Even with the wall being held by cameras they still get through. Nothing seems to work. But have you ever seen the wall Israel built? It is massive and holds the enemy back. Many people told Israel don't build the wall, but they would not listen. They needed security for their country.

The kind of security we need. Our porous border is open to all kinds of people coming through including ISIS. People who get here live off the system, we feed their children, pay for schooling and even health care. It takes jobs from our own people.It's literally breaking our backs to keep letting these people in.

This is where Israel's example really shines through. Once the wall was built their country was more secure, even children could get on school buses without living in fear.
It stabilized their country, and gave them control they needed.

We are out of control stopping people from coming through. Once Israel's wall was built
the bloodshed ceased, not all but it is now much safer in Israel.

We are open to attacks, they haven't happened yet but is is coming. It is believed there are over 100 ISIS cells in America.

We could get a better handle on our economy, and not have this constant undertow pulling us under, submitting us to terrorists and other enemies coming in.

The time is now to build the wall and secure our borders. All the candidates should be supporting this. Whoever wins this is a must for our country's security and growth.