Thursday, November 1, 2018

From Progressive Tax Rates To Cannabis Pritzker Stinks

We have a candidate here who stands up before you and really doesn't say anything. Why because he wants to keep the truth from us of what he is really intending to do. Here is the problem he wants to increase taxes, but to who? According to Capital an exchange between a reporter and Pritzker went like this:
Reporter: What does someone make who is middle class?
Pritzker: Thank you very much.
Reporter: What does someone make who is middle class?
Pritzker: (walking away) Well, we talked about that today.
Reporter: You didn't answer it.
Pritzker: Thank you.
Reporter: Why is that difficult?

Get the drift? When I started this blog I said I was doing it for the future of my children and my grandchildren. Two of those adult children moved out of the state last year and this year. Two young marrieds in our church with young children are leaving Illinois.

These are the kind of people we need here in Illinois. Young working families. Seniors can't carry this state. Kids in high school and college can't carry this state.

What can we do if a man running for office is calling for a graduated income tax that would require a constitutional amendment? Where does the middle class fall? Or some say we don't have a middle class any more or close to it, $50,000 or $100,000.

He says he wants to expand health care, and bridges, invest in higher education but with what?

Democrats have controlled the state , here is the history, we have overspent, over promised and over borrowed. At the end of the spring session they gloated that they have balanced the budget? A budget that has a 130 billion unfunded pension liability. The worst credit rating in the country.

Rauner proposes to cut budgets or reform the tax regulatory landscape to make Illinois more attractive to employers, but instead we raised the state income tax by 32%.

To top it off Pritzker gloats that he has family connections to the cannabis industry, his second cousin Joseph "Joby" Pritzker who is an investor in Pax Labs which sells vaporizers and pods of cannabis. And he gloats about this bringing in tax revenue by changes in the medical marijuana. Even Rauner is relaxing the bill to provide marijuana to be used instead of prescription opioids This eases access for all prospective patients by eliminating requirement for finger prints and background checks. Which would make Illinois one of the largest markets in the country.

Pritzker touts that this would cause legal cannabis to possibly increase an(estimated) $350 million to $700 million in annual taxes from the increased sales of marijuana! Really is our health worth providing more tax increase? Is there anyone out there listening? They still do not really know what marijuana does to our bodies I have a neighbor taking medical marijuana and at time's he doesn't know his name. I insist this is dangerous to our bodies and how many minds are going to be damaged before we see the results of this

What we really need in Illinois is another Mitch Daniels or maybe he himself to come and do the things that he did in INDIANA, and following Daniels in Indiana our current vice -president Pence to come and clean up Illinois. During his tenure, Daniels turned Indiana from a $700 million deficit into a billion-dollar surplus and he balance the budget even during a recession. What this means? There is a way for Illinois to turn around with the right leadership. If others have done it we can too. And maybe we would even get our children back.

God Bless America, even with all our problems, we are still the greatest country on earth. Go out and take your greatest privilege you have and vote.