Thursday, July 28, 2011

Each Day You Think It Can't Get Any Crazier, But It Does

After yesterday's commotion between the two parties, you think if can't get worse, but it does. Debt Ceiling talk is finally reaching Wall Street with a 200 point drop Wednesday, when news came that House and Senate proposals were short of their goals.

And if hat isn't bad enough, Reid and  53 Senate Democratic members, including two independents, sent a letter to Boehner that they will vote their bill down.

If the bill passes today Reid will either vote it down or send it back for amendments. Boehner needs 217 votes to pass his bill. There is still time to get the bill to the President, but will Reid kill the bill is the question? 

Both bills have the additional joint member committee, which has an up side and a downside. This committee can cut spending, but it can also raise taxes. Giving the Congress a new credit card, to raise taxes, without a filibuster or an amendment.

Reid's plan has cuts $2.2Trillion in ten years, but a large amount of this is the ending of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Republicans call this a "gimick" rather than a tax cut.

Or after all this will the President veto Boehner's bill if it passes anyway. Or worse yet use the 14th Amendment declaring the debt ceiling void.

All in all this week and next can be one tail spin after another and could continue until Congress goes on vacation in two weeks.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Somethings Rotten in Washington

Something smells in Washington, something isn't ringing true. While the White House keeps declaring default, the bottom is falling the bottom is falling, Wall Street isn't. It has been on a steady climb during this entire debate.

Could it be someone is lying to us to scare us, and could that someone be the President himself. Secretly to the side he has been reassuring the banks that default will not occur, while scaring the American people with this imaginary Aug. 2 deadline.

Carlie Gasparino said today on Fox News to Martha MacCullum "We know we don't have to default." "Why do thy keep bringing it up when they don't  have to default?"

And yet we can see the steady climb on Wall Street everyday. Is there something they know, that we don't know? Like a default really isn't that close to happening? Scaring us so that they can get their grand deal through? Why are they talking out of both sides of their mouth? If they keep up the scare tactics they can cause a massive sell out of stocks and the administration can say see we need to raise the debt ceiling and taxes in order to keep things going.

Like Mediscare, could they be just scaring us with something that isn't that close to happening to get their way? Somethings rotten in Washington

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I've Been Left at the Alter - President Obama

This debate over the debt ceiling has left us to see clearly the sharp division between the White House and the Congress. We have this strong difference, the President refusing to eliminate raising taxes and raising the debt ceiling and the Republicans wanting cuts equivalent to the raising of the debt ceiling. You  wonder if they can reach a compromise.

Is it any wonder the country is in such a mess. If they can' reach a compromise on this how can they work together on a far greater problem, creation of jobs?  And who hangs in the middle - us.  We are the ones suffering, out of work, and loosing even more jobs.

But that is not the immanent issue before us. Boehner left the talks Friday because he said "It is the President who walked away from his agreement and demanded more money at the last minute." President Obama countered with  "I've been left at the alter now a couple of times."

One thing unfortunately for us they have agreed on, to the raising of the age of eligibility for Medicare from 65 to 67.

What is clear we must cut the Governments credit cards and stop the spending. Something most Republicans see, and many Dems failing to face. Some even saying we must spend more money to help the recession.

The only way we are going to get an agreement and reach a compromise, we will have to increase debt limit and raise some taxes in order to get the tax cuts the Republicans want. It seems easy to us on the outside, but to those in the meetings it is worlds apart. There will be no passage with out this compromise. The debate continues.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Dancing with the Devil - Gang of Six Plan called McConnel-Reid Plan

No wonder the President said earlier this week good news, we are reaching a compromise. Believe me it is no compromise. The new plan is called the McConnel - Reid Plan and Republicans are cutting a deal with the devil.

Here is some insight into the bill. McConnel - Reid Plan will give the President power to raise the debt ceiling to $2.5 Trillion over the course of the next year without Congressional Majority.

Then it will back load $1.5 Trillion in spending cuts over the next ten years.

A new committee will be created to report a plan to Congress by end of year - a new way to make tax increases.

Washington Post reports "The panel will require only a simple majority to report plan to Congress, be protected from filibuster, and will not be subjected to amendments.

Rep. Allen West " The quote - unquote McConnel-Reid Plan is no plan. That's the acquiescence of the responsibility of our Congress. It's nothing but the typical D.C. two step, and I am not going to be part of it."

Sen Marco Rubio "The way the deal is currently structured right gives the president, the ability to raise the debt limit, but as I have said already on the program, the debt limit's not really the problem. The problem is the debt."

Sen. Jim DeMint "It basically says you can raise the debt limit, but we don't have to vote for it. It's like leaving the jail door open and looking the other way, then saying it's not our fault."

On Tuesday the "Gang of Six" unveiled a 1 Trillion tax increase in the debt plan.

Is it any wonder Obama said good news - Republicans are already giving into the new deal which in reality is a new way to raise taxes.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Buck Reigns Here - President Obama

The President truly showed his colors yesterday when he threw Social Security under the bus to get his 4 Trillion dollar debt level raised. And to make the Republicans look like they are the problem.

Unfortunately it didn't work, as we can clearly see this is dirty politics at it's best. It truly shows his makeup inside, anything to get his win. He is utterly convinced he needs this 4 Trillion dollars to keep the country going.

It is also the worst kind of economics. When we max our credit cards we don't get a letter from our credit company saying because your credit card is maxed we are going to raise your limits to make things better for you. It sounds elementary but if you raise a persons limit they will only spend more and crash their credit.
It's a humble illustration but true, ten times in the last ten years congress has increased the limit when we came to this crisis.  4 Trillion more on the national debt will absolutely bury or children and grandchildren.

There are those that say, just raise the limit. what does it matter? It matters to me one who is fighting daily to save this country for their future. The President needs this to keep running his overspending government until after the elections, pure and simple.

Truman had a plaque on his desk "The Buck Stops Here." The plaque on Obama's desk should read the "Buck Reigns Here."

Thursday, July 7, 2011

After the Press-a- Phobia is over - Casey Anthony

After all the press-a-phobia is over I feel the same way I did after the OJ trial. The same thing is happening, after the OJ trial, after all the spin and high level experts are gone you are left with the same main factor. If Casey didn't do it, who did?

Obviously from the evidence someone from the house because of the unusual duct tape. And what about the smell from the car. Only one thing smells like a dead body, a dead body. It is becoming apparent that these defense lawyers are becoming very good at getting their clients off. I myself after hearing the defense lawyer was swaying as to whether there was enough evidence to convict. But if you look at the prosecutions summation he hit the nail on the head. The thinking of our society also part of the problem, not willing to accuse unless you have everything blatantly before you showing guilt. It is obvious even from the circumstantial evidence that Casey had something to do, either directly or indirectly, with the child's death.

Like OJ she will walk, but a cloud of darkness will hang over her the rest of her life. A cloud of doubt if you will. And like OJ who else is there to look at. A little two year old's justice has failed. But also like OJ will her lying eventually catch up with her.

It is a hard pill to swallow, but for now she is free.