Saturday, July 23, 2011

I've Been Left at the Alter - President Obama

This debate over the debt ceiling has left us to see clearly the sharp division between the White House and the Congress. We have this strong difference, the President refusing to eliminate raising taxes and raising the debt ceiling and the Republicans wanting cuts equivalent to the raising of the debt ceiling. You  wonder if they can reach a compromise.

Is it any wonder the country is in such a mess. If they can' reach a compromise on this how can they work together on a far greater problem, creation of jobs?  And who hangs in the middle - us.  We are the ones suffering, out of work, and loosing even more jobs.

But that is not the immanent issue before us. Boehner left the talks Friday because he said "It is the President who walked away from his agreement and demanded more money at the last minute." President Obama countered with  "I've been left at the alter now a couple of times."

One thing unfortunately for us they have agreed on, to the raising of the age of eligibility for Medicare from 65 to 67.

What is clear we must cut the Governments credit cards and stop the spending. Something most Republicans see, and many Dems failing to face. Some even saying we must spend more money to help the recession.

The only way we are going to get an agreement and reach a compromise, we will have to increase debt limit and raise some taxes in order to get the tax cuts the Republicans want. It seems easy to us on the outside, but to those in the meetings it is worlds apart. There will be no passage with out this compromise. The debate continues.

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