Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Raymond's Small Miracle

Isn't it wonderful when you see God work in a way you can't explain? And neither can the Doctors.

Last week Raymond started not feeling well and as the week progressed Raymond digressed. Finally by Sunday he became very weak and barely walking and we decided he needed to go to the hospital. As we arrived in ER I realized he also could not respond to questions being asked him and I was doing all the talking. After early tests made in the ER we knew even less than before we came and he was admitted. Driving home I could only pray and even this seemed inadequate.

Monday and Tuesday we saw not much improvement as Raymond was turned upside-down in a test they very rarely use, and being tossed about like he was a tumble weed. Followed by the next day with an MRI with a lot of banging sounds that drove him nuts. Still no conclusion.

I came home exhausted and still fear full for his future. Until today, when he calls me bright and cheerful and clear as a bell. He was his own self. Some how overnight he made a complete turn around. He is speaking clearly and even doing some walking. We still have no clear answer from the Dr.'s  Only that possible the chemo had an effect on him. But his symptoms don't really fit that pattern. And the Dr's deny it was a problem with the chemo.

But what I do know is God's people were praying, probably even some we don't even know. And God answered. The Great Healer knew what was wrong because "all" healing comes from him anyway. It is not the Dr's who heal, they are only instruments in His Hands!!

Just a small miracle in Raymond's walk through this unknown world of cancer. And so far he is doing OK.

Thanks to all who prayed. Don't quit just yet and God Bless. Raymond and Marna

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