Friday, May 1, 2015

Over 5,000 Victums in Nepal Villages and Rising

Officials now estimate a possible 10,000 lives may eventually be taken by the earthquake with an epicenter in the remote mountains of  Nepal and surrounding area. Helicopters are crisscrossing the area carrying injured and delivering emergency supplies as they can possibly do to help these areas and save lives that are still savable.

Confusion and chaos have caused hospitals to be overwhelmed with tents surrounding the hospital grounds and medical supplies running low. This is a picture of what the people of this region are facing. Many of the country people are waking up with no buildings only rubble to deal with. With an estimate of 5 years or more to rebuild because of the remoteness of the area.

There are thousands who have not even been reached yet because there just isn't enough help to get to them. When they do get there, there are few supplies to help and food is becoming a scarcity in some places. Around the world countries and the U.N. are working to coordinate a system to help in these areas.

Another hindrances are mudslides which are causing landslides blocking aid trucks who still fear 2,500 people are still missing near the quakes epicenter.

Red Cross is needed to get early supplies of basic needs to villages and have a line open already if you would like to help.

Another hindrance as though there isn't enough already are sheets of rain pouring down. Even the U.N.'s Worlds Food Program got mired in mud because of the heavy rainfall. They are working at getting food distributed as quickly as possible.

For the time being to get supplies in United Nations says it will release 15 million dollars from it's emergency response fund for the quake victums, bringing in water, medical supplies and temporary shelters where needed.

To help go to Red Cross, click Where it is needed most and a link will come down saying Nepal Earthquake Relief. You might ad a few prayers in there, they could use some of that too. God Bless these people and all they will have to deal with in their future.

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