Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Did Trump Win The Debate?

Donald Trump -  a scary thought came to mind at the beginning of the debate because we aren't even sure what he will run as An Independent? A Republican? A Democrat? As Carly Fiorina said "He's changed his mind on everything from healthcare to abortion. {What are the principles on which he would govern?}"

Even doubts as to his net worth, and he's worth a lot no doubt, but he says it is 10 billion, but outside estimates put the figuire lower. In June he said he net worth was about 8.7 billion, but Forbes even less at 4 billion.

Many say Trump won the debate but there are some doubts to his statement the Mexican government is sending us prisoners, drug pushers and dangerous felons. When pressed as to his source he said the guards at the border crossings told him this information.

Megyn Kelly was fired at ounce more for saying ugly things about him but if you look at the
May references about their meeting on the air, she merely pointed out that he has never been a lawmaker,or a governor and lacks experience in these areas. Which he does lack expertise, he is a business man, it was an accurate statement.  She is now on his bad list with others, such as Rosie, who some how got also into the debate.

My response to this is, how would he handle high level talks with diplomats from other countries, or would he fly off the handle, and let loose his tongue, ripping some one apart.  Did he look presidential? Giving clear facts, and on which principles he stood? And why did he give money to the Clintons?

I like Trump, I have even been to his seminars on moneymaking. I learned a lot. But from the debate I really learned very little about how he would run the country.  I would like to give him a second chance, but at this point I have more questions than answers.

I felt good after the debate, there were some really good answers I felt from the candidates. I felt like the country does have a chance at recovering with a good president. Lately I have heard people say things like, this isn't America anymore. And people feel we are loosing more jobs, even though we have gained some. I believe as long as people feel the country is in bad shape and the recovery is too slow they will vote with their feelings rather than facts

The person who wins the election will be the one who can convince us the most he or she can rebuild the country making jobs a priority and winning against Isis and other warring factors against us. It will be a person who can make us feel safe again. That we can trust again. It is going to be more about feeling than facts. So people can say this feels like America again, the place where I grew up. The place were my children and grandchildren can be safe. God Bless America

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