Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Paul Ryan - "An Agenda Founded in our Founding Priciples"

Paul Ryan spoke with Meet the Press host on compromises he has met to reach across the isle. We must fight for our principles and yet we need to find common ground to base compromises. In the past few months we have passed more things than in 40 years. The house has passed a spending bill to advance republican priorities.

Paul Ryan - "we need an agenda rooted in our founding principles."
" I want to make sure that we have an agenda that we take to the American people that is rooted in our founding principles, that is what conservatives believe to give the country a clear choice. That's what we're excited and looking forward to in 2016. And so, I really don't think about or pay attention to various criticisms that you are going to have. No matter what you do in this job, you're going to get criticized. The question is, are you keeping your principles intact? Are you advancing ideas that make a difference in peoples lives. And in 2016, are you going to be giving American's a choice so the people of this country get to decide what kind of country we are going to have. If we just do nothing, if we just become an opposition party only, then we will not give the people of this country the choice they deserve. That's why I know we're going to go on offence in 2016 and I am looking forward to doing that.

During this interview the host kept trying to draw Ryan off onto what he felt about Trump and other issues of criticisms about Ryan, but Ryan kept to the point and where he wants to take the country as far as keeping to our republican principles. Do these principles make a difference and will they help the country? Think about where this President has lead us into left wing ideas and think about how much this country has suffered under his leadership. The President has lead a far left agenda and that is all that is important to him. It has cost us jobs. It has cost us self esteem. He wants to lead us into socialism and that leads us adrift of what built this country in the first place. What built America? Capitalism and manufacturing. These are two things we need to get back on track. We need to start making things again and building our trade to other countries. That is what is needed to get back into driving our economy forward.

We need strong leadership with people who have a vision for America. The kind of America that made us proud to be an American. Don't let the left confuse you. They want change in another direction, a direction that binds free enterprise and tangles us in the ropes of larger government with more control over us. In a sense we need to be untangled and left to build our own futures with hope and dreams of making our own products and inventions.

I like what Ryan says, we need to get away from just being an opposition party. We need to give clear choices, that make differences in peoples lives. So we the people decide what kind of country we want to have. To be a country again of focus on freedom and to the the persuit of happiness, and give them the choice's they deserve.

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