Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Robin Hood Hillary's America

Beware of an America with Robin Hood Hillary as head. The supreme court would fall into the hands of the progressives. Hillary says she will have this court to write laws. This is a way she could get around the process in congress. Guess she doesn't know there is three parts to our government. She will write laws concerning corporations. Like Obama went after medicine, she will go after the corporations. She says she will take the profits of the corporations and give the money to entitlements. Robin Hood Hillary will take from the rich and give to the poor. Problem is Hillary, after 8 years with Obama many of our corporations are fighting to stay alive.  In fact Hillary with your zeal to go after the corporations you could wipe out some businesses and the surplus they needed for the new year will now have been taken to grow their company.

Guess we don't learn our lessons very well. In 1948 Roosevelt tried the same thing. He took the corporation's profits, to help his New Deal. What happened? It plunged our country into the worst depression we have seen so far.  With our economy deep in debt could she plunge us even deeper? Is this the future picture of Robin Hood Hillary's America.

Government take over of medicine has crippled our medical system. And now the dragon fly will dip into her Obama Koolaid and take over our private businesses that people have spent their lifetime and money to build. 

Both Medicine and businesses need to be left free to operate on their own. Over regulating our business's has brought us to where we are.  A simple definition of socialism is the government take over of business. Yet every time it is tried it has failed.

Capitalism is what has built this great nation.  We must not let Robin Hood Hillary's socialistic ideas take over this country.

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