Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Huckabee's Numbers

Gov. Huckabee has won poll after poll recently and now with yesterday's poll he really stands out. Palin's numbers are really falling. It could be that some are gravitating to him. I don' know the reason he is pulling ahead. Even some liberal press are beginning to say you can't beat these poll numbers. Huckabee has built a pretty strong coalition under him through HuchPac. "Huck" as some people call him, including myself, is a pretty smart man and he learned a lot of hard lessonss from 2008. #1 Get a lot of money #2 Don't lose your base. With HuckPac this group of people are passionately behind him. It has been interesting watching him this past year building on this foundation that now goes from coast to coast. One thing about his following they are faithful to their man. How can I know I have become one of them.
Last year at the end of November I met him at a book signing and then read his book. Many of the younger years of marriage in the book were very similar to ours. We both, couples, almost starved to death trying to get though Biblle College. I read many of the passages to my husband and we laughed. It brought back some hard but wonderful years. And Huck did pastor before becoming a Governor.
At times I find him almost too honest but I like that and something we desperately need to bring back to the presidency. He is  his own man and does take a stand similar to Bush and I liked that very much in Bush.
I am hoping to see him run but first and foremost I want him and his wife to know they are doing what God wants.

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