Saturday, January 1, 2011

Continuation of Obama's new Tactics

How will the new year go? For congress not to well. The Republicans will block every thing coming down the pike. So Obama must discover new tactics. He bypassed congress and set limits on carbons through the EPA. He is still a firm believer in global warming even with the scientific evidence coming out. He would if he could become a law unto himself. How did he do it? He used the Clean Air Act. Jan. 2nd new carbon limits and regulations drawn up by EPA will start. Permits will now be required by all companies who use greenhouse gases. The administration said a 2007 Supreme Ct. ruling gave them the authority to do this. Many believe these regulations will kill jobs.
Six executive branch officials were appointed instead of a vote in the Senate. The most controversial appointment, James Cole, will fill #2 position in justice department. What is Cole's main problem? He agrees with administrations idea that Islamic terrorist should be tried in criminal court. A system we have already seen does not work. Obama has one of the worst records in appointees being confirmed.
Now over the weekend he has been signing executive orders right and left. God only knows what those are all about.
How will the new year go? Not much will get passed. In his frustration Obama will try regulations and other means that do not require a house vote. Just like recently he put the death panels back in the health care bill. He will issue a lot of executive orders. This is the start of his new tactics for the rest of his presidency. This is the most underhanded President we have ever had in our times.

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