Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Is it Getting Nuts or What?

I thought with the new year and the elections things would be getting better. But the last few days have been nuts. Even in my personal life where yesterday I missed a very important Dr.'s visit. Came home tired and turned on the TV and I stood in amazement at all the things that were happening. Repeal the Bill  and all the rest. Then sirens coming down  my street and helicopters hovering over my house.

Get up this morning and it is worse. Pakistan is imploding. Gas $3.50 a gallon here in Chicago. Now Obama sees there's a problem. Surprised? We haven't been pumping since the oil spill. Now we need to drill.

Napalitono decides to visit Israel about airport security.  Shouldn't she have done this two years ago? Now 16 airports have their own security and many to follow. What does that say for the TSA? Do you feel safe? There are three things the Israeli's do #1 Officers are trained to detect deception by looking at people and asking them questions. #2 Israeli's Profile highly #3 Their system works.

And if that is not enough 4,000 to 5,000 dead birds land in a town in Arkansas and hundred of thousands of dead fish die. They say they aren't connected?? And to top it off Hillary looks adorningly at Chavez.

And this is only the 4th day of the year. Happy New Year everyone.

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