Friday, January 21, 2011

I Agree With Rev. Franklin Grahm

The memorial service in Tucson showed a spirit, but not of God. It started with a man who talked of worshiping the earth, moon and stars.
But not of the one who created the earth, moon and stars.

Then wild clapping, sounding more like a pep rally than a remembrance time. As one who recently lost her husband, I wondered how those with their loss so recent felt inside with the clapping and cheering. I am glad I did not have to suffer through what they went through.

The only one who used scripture was Janet Napolitano. That I appreciated. If this is the future, I don't want to see it. The service at times was unnerving and seemed out of place. It left an emptiness. The only good part when I actually saw emotion from the First Lady and Gabriel Gifford's husband when the President told of  her opening her eyes.

The Presidents speech was good. More like when he was on the campaign trail. But afterwards another emptiness when you realize much of what he talks about rarely materializes. Will he lift this country out of this "recovery" as they call it. Unemployment figures aren't showing it. More foreclosures coming, inflation, and  some say double digit unemployment

The service was scary to say the least. Will America walk with God, or will she walk away from Him?

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