Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Is it Spring Yet?

The first week of January marks an important event in my life. The Gurney's seed catalog arrives. This brings hope in my heart that winter will not last forever. The last few winters in Chicago have been severe. Winter before last we achieved the most severe in 30 years. Such an honor. Before Christmas this year we got blasted. Everyday more snow and more shoveling. This is our first winter without my husband. You really don't know all the things your mate does until they are gone. I am thinking did I always thank him for doing this or did I just expect it from him? It is still cold but for a while the snow has stopped. Which gives me time to contemplate where am I going to plant things this year. He always said I had too many flowers. But gardening is my passion. He did however enjoy what I did do. So now it is time to map out my strategy. This keeps me going until March when I can start working on the yard. Oh, I know it is impulsive and to some people sounds nuts. But I have my Gurney's and a lot to look forward to.

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