Monday, January 10, 2011

Unions Throw a Clinker in Massive Snow Storm

We have all heard about the unbelievable snow storm in New York after Christmas. What you might have not heard about was the news coming out about the sanitation officers who ordered a "Blue Flu" slowdown to make snow removal come to a halt.

Why would they do this? According to sources self centered bosses were angry at their bosses because of budget cuts and layoffs. The claim is accurate as sanitation workers told the scheme to City Councilman Dan Halloran.

Halloran said,  "They were told to take off routes and not plow some main arteries. They were told to make the mayor pay for the layoffs, the reduction of ranks for the supervisors, and shrinking the rolls of the rank -and- file."

As a consequence people were trapped in their houses for days. Even worse emergency equipment could not get through. Causing two people, including a baby, to die.

There is now opening up of an investigation. This really shows how unions believe they are a law unto themselves and are above the law. And has caused an uproar concerning giving monopoly bargaining rights to first responders.

Unions have a very large war chest in tens of billions of dollars taken fron union dues. 60% of people in unions do not want their dues used for political reasons. In fact, lets just give this money back to the people who work so hard every day. These monies are thrown around congress like no tomorrow. We need to pass a law that is is unlawful for unions to use dues in this manner and take their power away. Unfortunately congressmen and women use this money in power plays.

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