Monday, January 3, 2011

Healthcare Takeover Growing Larger

What is socialism? A very simple definition - government takeover of private business. I was in the fabric store and came out. I had been talking to a customer in line inside. As I came out she followed me and said, "What  is wrong with free medicine anyway. " "The main problem, I said, It's not free."  I was at the corner diner and a man said to another man "Everything is Europe is fee. Here we have to pay for everything" The other man laid into him and explained how it is not free. This argument goes on day after day in America. I stood outside the fabric store for over an hour explaining how it isn't free. At the end she started coming around to what I was saying. During the discussion I explained to her the high taxes Canadians pay because of the health care and how they forsake their own system and come across the border to America for their care. THERE IS NOTHING FREE ABOUT OBAMACARE!!
New rules start today for the heath care companies that the insured receive 80% of the money sent in by customers. Sounds so good doesn't it {Washington Post}

But what would happen if the government came in and told you Mr. Private Business Man how much you could spend on your clients and what to do with it?  This has been my main contention all along. If they can take over heath care they can take over anybodies company.

They also can according to the Post spend the remaining 15% to 20% of the money on salaries, marketing and overhead. Oh thank you for telling us how to spent the rest of the money. This is a disaster coming. I have accounting knowledge and this is not how a company functions. You need more than 20% to operate a company.

And what has happened because of this new ruling. Insurance companies have spent 2010 raising premiums.

And who gets the bill in the end? US- we get it in the neck. The middle class Americans who are already carrying the load and taxes we get hit again. To which I say "REPEAL THE BILL."

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