Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Will the Real Romney Please Stand Up?

There is no question Romney won tonight. But how much more do we really know about him? The same problem he had in 2008 is resurfacing. Questions as to how liberal is he? We know the state where he was governor Romneycare was his signature project even though now he is playing it down.  Although he is trying to paint himself as a fiscal conservative it's hard for him to get his feet in those conservative shoes. There is a reason he just can not get the polls to show he is the clear winner. And some of the same issues are repeating, he sounds plastic, too polished, and not like a real person. You walk away from him asking who is the real Romney? Will the real Romney please stand up?

Perry's problem is he is not showing himself as a good debater. Whether he is freezing up, or not able to get the facts out, or whatever it is, it is clearly hindering his candidacy. We can see from his record he created far more jobs in Texas than any candidate on the floor. And he has a fairly good record of conservatism in cutting taxes and growing jobs. Anyone with that record should be the front runner.

We still do not know that much about the Hermanator, he is interesting, says things most people only think and takes some pretty good stands on conservative principles, but 999 has a lot of problems. It raises taxes. On a family of three making $50,000 a year they will be taxed several thousand more, which will eliminate the Bush tax cuts. A vat tax of 9% will be on everything you buy. That is an extra tax we don't even have right now. This plan does not really display conservative ideals. As more economist study it, it has more and more problems, and more taxes for us.

The only true debater on the floor is Newt, but these sessions with short answers cramp his style and he can't show his true colors. He probably has more solutions to job creation than any of them on the floor tonight.

It's not that I am against any of them, I'm not for them either and thousands of other conservatives who are looking at these same candidates. But one of these men in the front is more than likely our next president and I will vote no matter who gets the nomination because we can't have four more of what we have been through. And I will stand strongly for that nomination, that candidate whoever it may be.

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