Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Disagree With Rush...

Rush said today that Republicans don't want a conservative. That is the reason they can't find a candidate. That is opposite of what the problem is. They can't find a candidate that is conservative enough. The American people do want a conservative, but they don't see one. People are more aware than ever of conservatism. It's been talked about, written about, more than ever the last two years.

But what is before us. Conservatives? Not really? So far the only true conservative is Bachmann. She actually understands what it means.

Look at Romney, is he a conservative? Not really. Romneycare is costing the people of his state more than they have ever spent on health care.

Do they see it in Perry? No. He was one of the five states that took the largest amount of stimulus money to save his state. Does that sound like a conservative?

Cain has a flat tax, but he still has an income tax. The idea of the flat tax is to get rid of the income tax. They are just being taxed more.

Even if Christie comes into the race, he believes very similar to what Perry believes about immigration.

The problem is these three top candidates are not conservative enough. I'm not sure even politicians understand conservatism.  Even if they tout conservatism during their campaigns, they spend like crazy once they get in.

Americans want a conservative that cuts spending, cuts government, and cuts illegal immigrants. Is there one out there? I am beginning to wonder.

We're done with moderate Republicans who make themselves conservatives on the stump, and then spend like there is no tomorrow once they get in.

For once we aren't going to have the wool pulled over our eyes. Where looking for a conservative. Is there one out there?

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