Monday, September 12, 2011

447 Trillion To Be Added To Super Committee's Spending

Well, you had to know the money has to come from somewhere. The president has added a new load on the committees shoulders. 447 Trillion dollars to provide jobs and other spending to aid the governments overburdened load. Who would have thunk it? I did. My first question and everyone else's was where is the money coming from? This bankrupt, debt laden government, heck no? But only Obama would have the nerve to try it. and oh the cry from the left if the super committee doesn't do it.

Sen Rob Portman " It appears President Obama is once again abdicating responsibility for his plan, pushing it off on the deficit reduction committee.

I don't know about you but this quickens my ire. This will increase the 1.5 trillion-which the president presented to the super committee in August and raise it 447 Billion more making it 2 Trillion dollars. Now we need to do 2 Trillion in cuts to make the balance needed to reduce the deficit.

Again Portman said "I had hoped he would have gone in the opposite direction, which is to reduce the deficit and the debt, rather than add to it.

Could we think anything less of our fearful leader? Now we know how WE WILL pay for the presidents proposal.

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