Thursday, September 8, 2011

Happycamper is Becoming a Little Happier

I'm starting to get a little happier with Gov. Rick Perry entering the race. Things are looking better on the GOP side. Last nights debate showed a stronger positive side, a more motivated group of presidential hopefuls. I enjoyed the back and forth between Romney and Perry which started out almost immediately showing the evening was going to have some fire. With Bachmann and Newt also in the mix, and Newt keeping everyone straight.

Romney and Perry are the top winners, according to the polls today, with Perry at 27% and Romney at 22%. Bachmann and Newt showed a good second string in case something should happen to Romney or Perry along the presidential trail.

Romney is strong with facts and figures for economic growth showing his mind power with no notes nor teleprompter needed. Perry showse his strength by standing strong on what he believes especially about social security.

Bachmann reassured her belief in getting rid of Obamacare, but said it would take more than wavers to dismantle the monstrosity of a bill. Newt is keeping everything straight, including the press and shared some facts and figures of his own. If the winner of the race to the white house doesn't use this man on his team they will be loosing a great asset to a new administration.

All in all I am a little more happier than I was a few months ago. I still don't know who I will vote for but I am definitely a happy camper at this time.

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