Thursday, September 22, 2011

I'm Gaining Confidence in the GOP Presidential Election

The more of these debates we have the more confidence I have that we are going to win in 2012. Some say why so many candidates? The more candidates we have the more ideas we have to get this nation back on it's feet and running again. For the first time today I saw the headline "Is Obama the Underdog?" Two and a half years ago with his high ratings you would never think to see something like that in print.

There were highlights in the debate many made by Newt, this was his night for one liners. Megyn Kelly asking him if he could answer the question, and Newt responding, not if you ask the question that way.

Romney was more on his feet, he is gaining confidence in his debating and learning to avoid the Healthcare questions. Second half Perry came in that Romney was two sided. A good point but it didn't come out clearly like it should have. Romney realizing he had the upper hand slammed Perry on Social Security. Second time in the evening he came in scoring. Romney takes a great stand on Israel.

Best laugh of the night by Gary Johnson " My Neighbor's 2 dogs have created more shovel ready projects than the president."

The most heart felt moment when Herman Cain described his fight with cancer, explaining private health care companies saved his life. His 9/9/9 is gaining interest and his answer the main thing we need to get this country back on track, leadership!

Bachmann didn't get many questions for some reasons, in my opinion she needs to talk about more things than Obamacare.

Santorum was the other candidate who had a better night, making strong stand on staying in Iraq and Afghanistan until we win.

A second round at Perry when they came in on him about illegals getting college tuition we can't get for our own children.

Romney will not call Obama a socialist, who is he trying to win there? He was the winner tonight, but did he have enough to knock Perry off his crumbling pedestal?

The debate was good, however I still do not know who I'm going to vote for, nor if I really learned that much more in the debate.

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