Friday, August 31, 2012

Controversy Brewing Over Teacher Strike in Chicago D-Day Sept 10th

We have a serious problem brewing in Chicago. The teachers union will strike on September 10th. Today Karen Lewis, president of the teacher's union said "we don't want to close the schools". That is highly unlikely as they asked for a 30% raise last July when they voted to strike. Of course she came back the next day and said we don't really want that much. Negotiations are on the table and Rahm in July said he would offer a 2% pay increase. As you can see that peace will never happen unless someone concedes.

Contingency plans have been drawn up and messages sent out to the parents. One plan is for 145 schools to function for a 1/2 day schedule. Also there will be programs the parents must sign up for, but not just yet.

I have a feeling in my bones negotiations will not happen, but all things are possible.

On top of all this it is rumored Rahm wants to get rid of the CEO of Chicago Public Schools as he is not happy with him. Leaders in Chicago told Clause Brizard he will be blamed by the mayor if the schools strike. Quess Rahm has taken his lessons from the President. It's always someone else's fault. But Rahm is responsible for the situation as he refused a 4% raise and desired longer working days for the children, which has driven us to this point.

Of course Emanuel is denying all of this, spokesperson Sarah Hamilton said, "That couldn't be further from the truth, the mayor has complete confidence in J.C. Kind of feel like I'm in a Boss TV Show.

Talking to neighbors, several have said to me they believe you get a raise when you have done something. They have a point as Chicago schools are amongst the lowest scores in the country.

The strike is set for Sept. 10th and parents are crying out the most important thing is the children and their schooling. Chicago, like most large urban areas as a second problem in that the majority of parents are both working or are single parent homes and have no place to put their children should such a strike occur.

Chicago has it's problems like most large urban cities, but sometimes they seem insurmountable especially when the city is broke.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ten Questions I Would like to Hear Mitt Romney Answer Tonight

Here are ten questions I am hoping Mitt Romney will answer tonight,

If elected,

#1 How soon would you try to repeal Obamacare?

#2 Would you stop stimulus that still has not been spent?

#3 How soon would you have a budget?

#4 Will you be able to stop  new taxes coming the first of the year, & capital gains tax on small businesses?
#5 Will you try to skim down or discontinue programs Obama has started?

#6 Will you get rid of all the Czars? Are there some you would keep?

#7 Would you try to walk back some of the new gun laws?

#8  What are you going to do with Afghanistan?

#9 Do you think we will be at war with Iran soon?

#10 Will you stand completely behind Israel?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How Can It Be?McCain, Condi, Huck & Paul Ryan In One Night

How can it be that four of my favorite people are speaking tonight? And who can speak more for the people of America that these four?

First, Sen John McCain, who I always refer to as my hero. McCain has been a faithful leader and sometime's called the maverick for bucking his party. He has become known for his fight against pork barrel spending and has a 80% lifetime conservative voting record. His influence in the Congress has keep the country going strong in many areas, especially military and foreign affairs. When McCain visits foreign countries they know they have a friend and someone they can trust from America. He lost his bid for the Presidency in 2008 to Barack Obama. This is his last term.

Second, Condi, what can we say about Condi.?Herman Cain said today she is one of the highest black women of achievement in America. Condi was a professor at Stanford when President Bush made a call to her to serve in the White House. She was at his side as a Affairs Advisor and then moved into the Secretary of State position when Collin Powell stepped down. She now is a faculty member of Stanford Graduate School.

And then there's Huck, what a force for conservatism he has become. After also losing his bid for the White House and coming in second to McCain he went on to becoming a forerunner in conservatism. He's also a strong leader in the Christian community, taking stands on family values and abortion. With his Huck Pac and other contributions ie. His books, TV show Huckabee and now Radio show The Huckabee Hour he is heard daily across the nation and growing.

Last, I really look forward to hearing Paul Ryan, with his energizing speeches on economic growth and cutting government spending. He also is a strong supporter of the Tea Party. This I believe is one of the strongest teams to ever take the White House. With Romney's knowledge in the business world and Ryan's economic skills they are going to be a great force working together to bring this country back. I believe in miracles and I believe these two can do the job that needs to be done. But they need our support. They can't do it alone. Here's to a great evening which after last night's speeches will be hard to beat.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Will Ann Romney Make A Difference Reaching the Women's Vote?

Well, here we are at the beginning of the 2012 GOP Convention. I've waited for this time since Nov. 2008. And who better to start if off than Ann Romney the candidates wife. I believe one of the purposes is for Ann to come out swinging for her husband and the women's vote.

Ann Romney was born on April 16, 1949 in Broomfield Hills, Mich. She attended Kingswood School where she started dating a young man named Mitt Romney. We don't know much about Ann but a few things stand out. She is not afraid to go out and stump for her husband. She is not afraid to speak up and defend her husband. And she is not afraid to stand up for women.

In the 2008 presidential campaign Ann was the most visible of all the presidential candidate's wives. She has taken several stands during this election and is quick to defend her husband. She also has a nick name from her five son's. They call her the "MITT-stabilizer, meaning that she has a way of calming Dad down.

A major hit in her life was by a disease name Multiple Sclerocous, diagnosed in 1998. Ann says she started riding horses to help her in her battle against MS. She at this time has no limitations because of the disease. She also has had a battle with a non-invasive form of breast cancer, and is currently cancer free.

On the trail, a writer named Hilary Rosen, slammed Mrs. Romney saying "she has never worked a day in her life." Ann took no time to come back and said  "I made a choice to stay home and raise five boys. Believe me, it was hard work."

In an article written for the New York times, a spokesperson for the Romney campaign, Andrea Saul said, "The issue is not whether Ann has spent time working outside the home. Of course she did other things than raise a family. The real issue is that women make different choices regarding family and careers, and they should be supported no matter what decision they make. "And to that statement I say a hardy "AMEN."

 I also would like to delcare the "war on women" that President Obama says Romney is waging is no war. In fact, it doesn't exist. It is an make believe war Obama has tried to create to get the women's vote. Today Liz Cheney said " There is no war on women, it's an imagingary war that doesn't exist." She also went on to say she has grown weary of it. Last night on Greta  Liz said "Obama has started a false war on women." And next week in his convention there will be one woman speaker after another to get up and proclaim this false war. I think the viewing public will grow weary of that. They want to hear about the economy and if they will have a job tomorrow.

Ann Romney is a good representative of her  husband and this country that I believe we will hear much from her once in the White House. They will be a good team together.

"Ann Romney's Resume' Includes More Than A Stay- At -Home Mother" April 12,2012 New York Times
Facts taken about Mrs Romney were from Wikipedia

Monday, August 27, 2012

We Bought Our First TV To Watch The Moon Walk

Saturday with the passing of Neil Armstrong brought back a memory of our early years of marriage. Our first apartment cost $75.00 a month. When we read about the moonwalk we talked about a TV. Too expensive my new husband said. He was currently going to Bible college and I was committed to getting him through. There were few frills. We received no help from parents or the government. We debated that week the necessity and importance of a TV. We were rarely home and we had no money. Did I say no money.  We considered hot dogs an extravagance.

That day my husband called from downstairs to make room for a TV in the living room. I went to the banister and saw a TV. I was shocked. I said how did you get that? With a grin on his face he said he found it for $10.00 at a used furniture store.

We sat staring speechless at the TV when Neil Armstrong said his now famous words, "One small step for man, on giant step for mankind." We couldn't believe we were looking at the surface of the moon. We couldn't believe we had our own TV.

For two newlyweds it was quite an evening. And the TV helped through long evenings when my young husband worked nights. Those were hard years but we made it through.

But the space program was cut recently and people laughed at Newt when he talked about a moon colony. But, in essence Newt is right, America needs to remain in space exploration. We need to be one of the stars in the race and as Neil Armstrong said it was a giant step for mankind that needs to continue.

Friday, August 24, 2012

It's Been Awhile - But I'm Still Here.

You haven't heard from me for awhile. Mostly physical problems and other ailments have prevented me. While these serious conditions are still accruing I am going to continue writing when able. Less about me and more about this historic election.

With the decision of Mitt Romney choosing Paul Ryan we have seen new energy and an awakening to the election. The decision has changed the electoral map and new swing states are emerging. Although the President is ahead he has lost nearly half the lead he had a few weeks ago. And signs coming here from Chicago is that there is commotion and confusion going on inside the Obama campaign. Maybe even some fear and definitely the Republicans have the excitement going on. Of course, Joe Biden doesn't help the Pres. much either. Even Reince invited the Vice-pres to the convention with good seats because Biden has helped our side a lot lately.

I am looking forward to the convention. One thing about Romney we have learned. If he feels he is not doing everything right, he will look to someone who will. In otherwords, he is not afraid to bring someone in who can help the country, even if he feels he is not doing  everything just right at the time. Which shows Romney has the ability to lead, and find the right person for that position. He carefully thought through every thing in making his decision on Ryan. Which shows his managerial foresight to be careful to make the right decision. These are two attributes we have not seen for the last four years. A President with the ability to lead and manage a situation.

Here's to a great convention and a even greater victory on Nov. 6th.