Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Will Ann Romney Make A Difference Reaching the Women's Vote?

Well, here we are at the beginning of the 2012 GOP Convention. I've waited for this time since Nov. 2008. And who better to start if off than Ann Romney the candidates wife. I believe one of the purposes is for Ann to come out swinging for her husband and the women's vote.

Ann Romney was born on April 16, 1949 in Broomfield Hills, Mich. She attended Kingswood School where she started dating a young man named Mitt Romney. We don't know much about Ann but a few things stand out. She is not afraid to go out and stump for her husband. She is not afraid to speak up and defend her husband. And she is not afraid to stand up for women.

In the 2008 presidential campaign Ann was the most visible of all the presidential candidate's wives. She has taken several stands during this election and is quick to defend her husband. She also has a nick name from her five son's. They call her the "MITT-stabilizer, meaning that she has a way of calming Dad down.

A major hit in her life was by a disease name Multiple Sclerocous, diagnosed in 1998. Ann says she started riding horses to help her in her battle against MS. She at this time has no limitations because of the disease. She also has had a battle with a non-invasive form of breast cancer, and is currently cancer free.

On the trail, a writer named Hilary Rosen, slammed Mrs. Romney saying "she has never worked a day in her life." Ann took no time to come back and said  "I made a choice to stay home and raise five boys. Believe me, it was hard work."

In an article written for the New York times, a spokesperson for the Romney campaign, Andrea Saul said, "The issue is not whether Ann has spent time working outside the home. Of course she did other things than raise a family. The real issue is that women make different choices regarding family and careers, and they should be supported no matter what decision they make. "And to that statement I say a hardy "AMEN."

 I also would like to delcare the "war on women" that President Obama says Romney is waging is no war. In fact, it doesn't exist. It is an make believe war Obama has tried to create to get the women's vote. Today Liz Cheney said " There is no war on women, it's an imagingary war that doesn't exist." She also went on to say she has grown weary of it. Last night on Greta  Liz said "Obama has started a false war on women." And next week in his convention there will be one woman speaker after another to get up and proclaim this false war. I think the viewing public will grow weary of that. They want to hear about the economy and if they will have a job tomorrow.

Ann Romney is a good representative of her  husband and this country that I believe we will hear much from her once in the White House. They will be a good team together.

"Ann Romney's Resume' Includes More Than A Stay- At -Home Mother" April 12,2012 New York Times
Facts taken about Mrs Romney were from Wikipedia

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