Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How Can It Be?McCain, Condi, Huck & Paul Ryan In One Night

How can it be that four of my favorite people are speaking tonight? And who can speak more for the people of America that these four?

First, Sen John McCain, who I always refer to as my hero. McCain has been a faithful leader and sometime's called the maverick for bucking his party. He has become known for his fight against pork barrel spending and has a 80% lifetime conservative voting record. His influence in the Congress has keep the country going strong in many areas, especially military and foreign affairs. When McCain visits foreign countries they know they have a friend and someone they can trust from America. He lost his bid for the Presidency in 2008 to Barack Obama. This is his last term.

Second, Condi, what can we say about Condi.?Herman Cain said today she is one of the highest black women of achievement in America. Condi was a professor at Stanford when President Bush made a call to her to serve in the White House. She was at his side as a Affairs Advisor and then moved into the Secretary of State position when Collin Powell stepped down. She now is a faculty member of Stanford Graduate School.

And then there's Huck, what a force for conservatism he has become. After also losing his bid for the White House and coming in second to McCain he went on to becoming a forerunner in conservatism. He's also a strong leader in the Christian community, taking stands on family values and abortion. With his Huck Pac and other contributions ie. His books, TV show Huckabee and now Radio show The Huckabee Hour he is heard daily across the nation and growing.

Last, I really look forward to hearing Paul Ryan, with his energizing speeches on economic growth and cutting government spending. He also is a strong supporter of the Tea Party. This I believe is one of the strongest teams to ever take the White House. With Romney's knowledge in the business world and Ryan's economic skills they are going to be a great force working together to bring this country back. I believe in miracles and I believe these two can do the job that needs to be done. But they need our support. They can't do it alone. Here's to a great evening which after last night's speeches will be hard to beat.

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