Friday, December 28, 2012

Are we Heading over the Cliff??

Well, the last word we heard last week was that the President rejected Boehner's Plan B. Which reminded me of my husband as we were leaving the church after doing something which did not turn out as well as expected to which  I said, "We have to do plan B" and he said "Marna, that was plan B."

Now we hear of a double zammy when it was announced yesterday that  we could hit the debt ceiling on December 31st.

The president is caught in his own calamity when it was his plan to severely reduce the military in order to fend off what is happening now. His wisdom was that the congress would reach some kind of conclusion before what is happening could happen. That they would stalemate and there would be no agreement was not in his calculation.

Yesterday he said that he was hopelessly optimistic that a plan could be reached. It is reported today that the President is offering a scaled back budget as part of the solution.

On top of all this we had a bad report on Christmas sales rates only rising to less than 1% and that in many areas of the country we were at 2008 levels of spending because of falling consumer confidence.

I think with the storm Sandy hitting at the height of the Christmas season and the constant media drum roll of the fiscal cliff, consumers became weary and decided to keep things down as things looked pretty good until  black Friday. What ever caused the let down, it is not good on the economy and sending us unto a questionable winter season.

For our sakes I hope they reach some kind of reasonable agreement and not send us over the cliff because they can't work together. This is one time they have to become grown ups and do the right thing.

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