Monday, January 21, 2013

Nobody Does It Better - The President's Speech

Nobody does it better, no one can take us to loftier heights and fill our hearts like the President Obama. That is until you start to try to figure out what he just said and suddenly it drifts away. Like my son says "Mom, he's talking pretty again."

However he did make some statements I did like. From the beginning of his speech "That while freedom is a gift from God, it must be secured by his people here on earth." And it had some of the same ring of rising on hope for America that he had in his first election.

But if you thought he might edge a little closer to the right, it ain't going to happen. He clearly stood for his progressive left and rang out a clear message to tickle their ears. And he did. He is going to stand for the same agenda, equality for gays, climate control, immigration reform which will be basically allowing everyone to stay.

There was clear message that a few enjoy the privileges and barely a few are making it. "For we, the people, understand that our country cannot succeed when a shrinking few do very well and a growing many barely making it."  "Can't do things individually must need the community." It was a clear call to expand his progressive message of sharing the wealth.

"The path towards sustainable energy sources will be long and difficult" We aren't against new energy sources, we just like to pay for those sources that work.

At least we didn't have to wait until the fat lady sang, the musicians were wonderful. Kelly Clarkson did a wonderful rendition of an American favorite and Beyounce was great.

Nobody does it better than you Mr. President, but your policies fail and the economy is still in a dismal rut. And it doesn't sound too much like you are going to work with congress the one thing most Americans want. That's change we could have believed in.


  1. I thought the irony of Pastor Saeed's trial by Iran being on the same day as Pastor Giglio's absence from the inauguration. Iran is intolerant of Muslims who become Christians; the president is intolerant of people who hold traditional Christian values.

  2. Wow Loni, that's a pretty strong statement, however and unfortunately I fear it is true. And he came out very strong today on gay rights which has never been mentioned in an inaugueral speech before.
