Thursday, July 18, 2013

Almost Homeless in Chicago

Recently our family went through one of the hardest times we have ever had.While during this long reccession others have suffered great loses our family remained pretty much untouched. That is until the middle of April when our landlord of seventeen years arrived at our door and told me he had had failed to pay the mortgage. After his announcement I was in shock when he told me he would try to sell the house to get out of bankrupcy. A few days later a For Sale sign was put on our lawn and a few days later poeple came though to view the house. Within 12 days the house sold and I was told to be out by the middle of May.

My son and I packed every night until late to try to make the date. It was exausting and totally unbeleivable that we were being put throigh this. We did as much as was possible to do and finally decided physically we were pushed to the limit. My son brought a truck and people came to help us  move out. I finnally realized we were out of time to find a place to move and decided to put our items in a storage unit. I spent a few last nights to finish a few items and my son came to help me. We took as much as possible and finally finished. He had found a place to go, but I still had no idea where to go. That day at work one of my associates at work worked on a list of homeless shelters. My car was loaded to the top.  We hugged and he told me to go to my other sons house. I went there for a few days but realized it was not the best as my daughter-in-law was recently diagnosed with cancer. They were going through their own problems.

I fely it would be better for them to deal with the problem they had they didn't neeed a third party at this difficult time. I loaded back up my car and headed for work.  After work I had no idea what to do. My older son called with concern and wanted me to try to find one of our previous church members. I started driving and finally a family came to mind.

Praying as I drove I thought what are they going to think? Me showing up on their front door. By this time I was exausted and arived towards evening. When I knocked I told them my story and they welcomed me with much concern and love. I spent several weeks there until I found an apartment.

But all of this showd me how quickly we can become homeless in todays society. And if it wasn't for the love of these dear people I could have easily been homeless.

I am settled now and returning to some normality, but the experience was unnerving and made me realize how much our society is in a tail spin throwing poeples lives around.  That this recession just keeps continuing with no end in sight.

But somehow I was protected by God and he found a way for me. He also protected my son and daughter-in-law and she is doing well. When I first started the blog it was abour a family and how they made it during a recession; I never knew we would loose a father, struggle like everyone else and finally loose our house.

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