Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Where Have I Been?

It has been an unusual  year for me as ill health overtook me and laid me pretty much flat for the last year. Not going into too much detail I was in the hospitals 6 times and had three operations. But for some very good Dr's and many prayers I would not still be here. But I'm am here and getting a little better every day.

But the battles for our country have continued on in spite of my problems. And a new political season of presidential races and state races are upon us including our own battles here in Illinois. While for a season we thought perhaps we could rid ourselves of Rahm Emmanuel he is now beginning to advance towards the front runners in Chicago. He still has a chance of becoming mayor again. Much to our dismay. What he holds over others is beyond me as he has raised taxes he said he would never raise. Taken in millions of dollars for red light zones near schools. Caused a major teacher's strike that raised teachers wages more than if he would have just given them an increase to begin with. Creating teachers goals to keep that are unrealistic and nearly impossible to reach. Firing policemen because he didn't have enough money to pay them and then buy new police cars for the department. Well, the list goes on and on.

Our country has suffered much under this President and yet his numbers are rising to nearly a 50% approval rating. Something I will never understand. There are many who believe the country can never be the same again. Call me unrealistic or a dreamer, but I do believe we can make it better than this. This presidential election is critical time for our nation. I still believe it is the conservative values that I was taught long ago that will bring this country back.

I love this country and still want a good place for my children and grandchildren to live and reach the American dream, the pursuit of happiness the Constitution talks about and the American drive and innovation to reach that goal. Maybe that is why I am still here after this most difficult year.

God Bless America

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