Monday, April 20, 2015

Where is the Democratic Party?

Over the weekend the republicans met in New Hampshire for a look at the hopefuls for the high office of the presidency. The field is growing more each day. Why so many? I can't answer but this is a crucial election after six years of an Obama failed presidency. And for the democrats so far one has put her hat in the race.  Clinton leads Rand Paul at 47% to 37%. And according to Rasmussen, she also leads Ted Cruz 47% to 38%. She is at this time showing to be a formidable candidate and has according to sources learned her lessons from the first time. And let's not forget the Clinton's have a strong army of money supporters. We also have a new problem as conservatives, a growing number of people who now call themselves progressives especially in large urban areas. For the republicans this race is not going to be a walk in the park.

But my observation is why is Hillary so far the only candidate, and why is she so far ahead? Why are there at this time no other contenders who can come near her? Have the democrats no others who can make a bid? Does this show a weakness on the democratic side? Does it show a lack of leadership? Does it show the democrats are not clearly defined on what they want to stand on? Have they been so long yes men and women to Obama laying homage at his feet? Can they no longer stand up for themselves?

I myself like the two party system with it's gives and takes. A thinking between the two sides. It is dangerous for us to have a one sided race for the White House on either side. And I call out, Where is the democratic Party? And where does it stand?

Here are the poll numbers for the republicans at this time in New Hampshire Walker 23, Bush 17, Paul 15, Christi 6, Cruz 9, Rubio 7, Huckabee 6, Carson 7

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