Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Hillary Wishes Trump To Be Successful

Tim Kaine, Hillary's running mate speaks for Hillary on her building of her team. Hillary's supporters are hurting as most supporters would be after such a hard fought election. Hillary's theme was empowering families and children. Hillary speaks and there are tears in her eyes, the glass ceiling is not broken. Hillary first words are  "I hope he will be successful." She speaks of the painfulness of the loss. "Our country is more divided that we thought" she says.

I write these words because one of our biggest concerns should be about the division in our country. We need a healing in our country. How can our country continue without the lessening of these divisions. Our country needs and must start functioning together. The old adage "United we stand and divided we fall remains true." There needs to be a coming together. Are we not One Nation Under God?

Our country is on it's knees. We are broke, we are out of work, we are suffering as we have never suffered in this generation before. It is  time for us to come together.

Last night I liked Trumps humility. I liked his message. He won because the people felt a need for change. He won the hearts of the people by a message no one else had. He saw the need.

We need to rebuild relationships once again with foreign countries, even Putin sent a message to meet with Trump. And we can never forget our friends in Israel.

This is my hope for America, To be once again the America we have come to know and love. To become a leader in manufacturing and also world trade. To become the America where it is safe for children to run and play. There is a big job ahead and our future depends on it. To make America the America we once were.

God Bless America

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