Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Where Our Country Would Now Be Headed Under Hillary

Under Hillary we would be headed in the same direction Obama has taken us. Right now corporations are paying 44% on taxes. Hillary would have increased that in trying to find funds to increase revenue for entitlements. President-elect Trump is lowering that to 33% taxes on corporations, loosening the bind put upon them by our government. Once in place this will be an incentive for corporations to hire and increase productivity, and to aid in purchasing more goods they need to build their businesses.

Knowing his end is near Obama wants to place a federal regulation baring states from defunding Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers. Announced the Friday before Labor Day the HHS rule would bar states from denying Planned Parenthood millions of dollars in Title X family planning funds.

Since 2011, 13 states placed restriction on sub-awards with specific types of providers.                       "We've known all along that the Obama administration will go to untold lengths to protect it's friends  in the big abortion industry." Congresswoman Diane Black R-TN. "After all this administration has used back door maneuvers to line Planned Parenthood's pockets with Obama Care navigator grants and praised the abortion providers 'high ethical standard' even after it was caught trafficking in baby body parts".

Now they have taken the unprecedented step of thwarting states rights with a shady proposed rule change that prevents states from funding the providers who will best serve their citizens.

Look for other moves from the Obama administration in it's last days to pass rules and funds underhandedly to their friends in high places. He no longer has Hillary to count on. But there are still many out there he can count on.

1 comment:

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