Wednesday, June 14, 2017

"Political Rhetorical Terrorism" - Heated Rhetoric On Social Media And In The News

Rep Rodney Davis, R-Ill said "Wednesday's Shooting, in which House Majority Whip Steve Scalise
and several others were wounded - This was the result of "political rhetorical terrorism," that has to stop."

Davis was at bat when shot in Alexandria. He said he credited his security detail with helping prevent the attack from being a lot worse, calling the officers "true heroes"

Sen flake "We dove into the dugout. The shots were fired for at least 10 minutes"

Sen Paul "without the capital Hill police, it would have been a massacre.

James Hodgkinson, 66 years old, went on a rampage to apparently try to kill as many as possible. Is this the way to solve our political problems?

A call from both Ryan and Pelose had the same ring there must be more unity in congress.

Never before in my lifetime have I heard such hated language made against a President. Never also have I seen so many lies told about a president. There must be some kind of working together to get the country back on it's feet. Jobs and the economy must be our most important issue at this time.

This rhetoric is out of hand and can we expect anything less than what has happened? We have had months of division and critical talk even on our major news channels against this president. How can this country make a come back if this is all there is on the news every night. The political realm has to curb down and have some decency and respect for this office. We are still the greatest country on this earth but we won't be if we don't channel our thoughts to better things and better times ahead for us. A country divided can not function nor can we have our congress working together if there is fighting and rancor on the floor of the congress.

I like what our President said this morning "Everyone who serves in the capital are here because we love our country."

Our prayers for those who suffered harm this morning. Especially remember Matt Mika a volunteer worker and is in serious condition.

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