Tuesday, August 8, 2017

"Can The Tax Coalition" Fight For Unfair Beverage Tax

"Just because a judge has allowed this unfair tax to go forward does not mean Cook County should do it."

"This tax hits families, Cook County families with enormous price increases, place at risk 6,100 middle class jobs, harm 1.3 billion in economic activity, and will devastate our small businesses by sending shoppers to stores over the borders."
"Can The Tax Coalition"

A new tax has been voted by the Cook County Commission in Illinois. It can include up to 1,000 juice drinks, sports drinks, flavored water, iced tea, lemonade, and even diet drinks. I say even diet drinks because the law was to tax sugared products only.

The tax will hurt sales as people are refusing the tax which will range from 30% to 70% above the average cost of their drink. A two litter bottle of clear liquid drink which normally runs 99 cents can have a 67 cent tax on it. 

Can The Tax Coalition calls for a repeal of the Tax before it causes a fall of the economy and loss of jobs.

Many stores are already returning the products to the companies they came from because of products are not moving on the shelves.

My feeling is how can the government stop us from buying what we want to buy in a store? Are they not overstepping their authority and taxing something they have no business taxing as most items in a store are already taxed once. Does not this open Pandora's box for the government to make a second tax on anything they want to tax?

This is still America and the government is choosing for us what we should buy and not to buy. The last time I checked this is not Russia and people can buy what they want to buy and should not be hindered by a large tax on what they want. 

I am in agreement, the law needs to be repealed and taken away before it causes economic downfall. It's a bad tax and needs to be removed before it harms sales in Cook County

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