Friday, December 29, 2017

Donald Trump's Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

The President's new bill is called the Tax cuts and Jobs Act. The new Tax Reform Bill will create an overhaul of 1.4 Trillion dollars.The vote 51-49 will create massive tax cuts for families and businesses alike.Mitch McConnell gets a big praise from the president along with Sen Orren Hatch.

The President "A vote to cut taxes is a vote to put America first. It's time to take care of our workers, to protect our communities, and to rebuild our great country" President Donald

Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif responded calling the legislation a "betrayal of the American Middle class" Guess you don't get it Nancy and never will. Giving the middle class tax cuts opens the doors of Corporations and Businesses alike to build their business's and hire new people.

Families also getting a break by nearly doubling the standard deduction to 12,000 for individuals (up from 6,350) and 24,000 for couples (up from 12,700)

Corporate tax rate will be cut 35% to 21%. Please Nancy, don't pretend you have never passed a tax you didn't like!The bill keeps the seven brackets which starts at 10%, and rises to 12%,22%.24%, 32%. 35% and 37% who exceed the 500,000 income. Lowering the the rate from 39.6%.

And good for Illinois, if you own a home here you can claim your 4,264 per year Mortgage Reduction

For families, taxpayers claim 2,000 for each child under 17.

This tax bill is a welcome, and a  long a waited relief for the families and companies of our country. Now longer will we be putting a heavy weight on those who are trying to build our country and supply jobs.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

32% Tax Increase For Illinois - Illinois Pays The Highest Property Tax In The Nation

Legislators are proud they came up with a "balanced" budget for the state of Illinois by increasing taxes. Governor Rauner vetoed the tax increase because it was a 32% tax increase with no real reforms. However legislators have trouble with math are telling constituents that the tax increase was only 1.2%-an increase from 3.76% to 4.95%.

I have spoken to several area residents and they have no clue how much this increase really is. An average family in Illinois will have a tax increase of $1,150.  In the final vote 10 Republicans in the House supported the tax increase, and one republican in the Senate. Originally when the tax increase first passed 15 House Republicans, voted for it. One was out of town for the veto override, and four pulled off the vote by Governor Rauner. To be sure, Speaker Madigan made up for the missing Republican votes by adding more Democratic votes for the final passage. 

The problem being, Speaker Madigan, evidently you don't understand the law of economics, you need money in the till to support the vote. Most Illinois citizens don't get the drift of the problem, even with a tax increase, the budget will be unsustainable because of uncontrolled pension costs.

One of the major flaws in the new budget is the requirement that Illinois public education moves to an "evidence based' model of school funding. This program will prescribe exactly how much money must be spent on  "everything" from instructional materials to employee benefits! 

This new budget WILL INCREASE the costs of education for Illinois schools an eventual estimated $3.5 to $6 Billion in tax-payer funding. Where, Speaker Madigan do you suppose that money is gong to come from?

We are already 13th in the nation in the amount of money spent per student. Ohio, North Dakota, Arkansas, and Wyoming have "evidence-based" funding and have collectively spent billions more in tax dollars. In these states they see no improvement in achievement tests and achievement levels have been flat.

Increasing income "input" into the existing establishment will not solve Illinois education problems. Illinois citizens already pay the highest property taxes in the nation, and should not have to spend more on education. To partly solve this problem, there must be pension reform and limits to executive pay to the bureaucracies in Illinois schools.

Given by permission Concerned Christians Newsletter

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

"Can The Tax Coalition" Fight For Unfair Beverage Tax

"Just because a judge has allowed this unfair tax to go forward does not mean Cook County should do it."

"This tax hits families, Cook County families with enormous price increases, place at risk 6,100 middle class jobs, harm 1.3 billion in economic activity, and will devastate our small businesses by sending shoppers to stores over the borders."
"Can The Tax Coalition"

A new tax has been voted by the Cook County Commission in Illinois. It can include up to 1,000 juice drinks, sports drinks, flavored water, iced tea, lemonade, and even diet drinks. I say even diet drinks because the law was to tax sugared products only.

The tax will hurt sales as people are refusing the tax which will range from 30% to 70% above the average cost of their drink. A two litter bottle of clear liquid drink which normally runs 99 cents can have a 67 cent tax on it. 

Can The Tax Coalition calls for a repeal of the Tax before it causes a fall of the economy and loss of jobs.

Many stores are already returning the products to the companies they came from because of products are not moving on the shelves.

My feeling is how can the government stop us from buying what we want to buy in a store? Are they not overstepping their authority and taxing something they have no business taxing as most items in a store are already taxed once. Does not this open Pandora's box for the government to make a second tax on anything they want to tax?

This is still America and the government is choosing for us what we should buy and not to buy. The last time I checked this is not Russia and people can buy what they want to buy and should not be hindered by a large tax on what they want. 

I am in agreement, the law needs to be repealed and taken away before it causes economic downfall. It's a bad tax and needs to be removed before it harms sales in Cook County

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

"Political Rhetorical Terrorism" - Heated Rhetoric On Social Media And In The News

Rep Rodney Davis, R-Ill said "Wednesday's Shooting, in which House Majority Whip Steve Scalise
and several others were wounded - This was the result of "political rhetorical terrorism," that has to stop."

Davis was at bat when shot in Alexandria. He said he credited his security detail with helping prevent the attack from being a lot worse, calling the officers "true heroes"

Sen flake "We dove into the dugout. The shots were fired for at least 10 minutes"

Sen Paul "without the capital Hill police, it would have been a massacre.

James Hodgkinson, 66 years old, went on a rampage to apparently try to kill as many as possible. Is this the way to solve our political problems?

A call from both Ryan and Pelose had the same ring there must be more unity in congress.

Never before in my lifetime have I heard such hated language made against a President. Never also have I seen so many lies told about a president. There must be some kind of working together to get the country back on it's feet. Jobs and the economy must be our most important issue at this time.

This rhetoric is out of hand and can we expect anything less than what has happened? We have had months of division and critical talk even on our major news channels against this president. How can this country make a come back if this is all there is on the news every night. The political realm has to curb down and have some decency and respect for this office. We are still the greatest country on this earth but we won't be if we don't channel our thoughts to better things and better times ahead for us. A country divided can not function nor can we have our congress working together if there is fighting and rancor on the floor of the congress.

I like what our President said this morning "Everyone who serves in the capital are here because we love our country."

Our prayers for those who suffered harm this morning. Especially remember Matt Mika a volunteer worker and is in serious condition.