Thursday, November 1, 2018

From Progressive Tax Rates To Cannabis Pritzker Stinks

We have a candidate here who stands up before you and really doesn't say anything. Why because he wants to keep the truth from us of what he is really intending to do. Here is the problem he wants to increase taxes, but to who? According to Capital an exchange between a reporter and Pritzker went like this:
Reporter: What does someone make who is middle class?
Pritzker: Thank you very much.
Reporter: What does someone make who is middle class?
Pritzker: (walking away) Well, we talked about that today.
Reporter: You didn't answer it.
Pritzker: Thank you.
Reporter: Why is that difficult?

Get the drift? When I started this blog I said I was doing it for the future of my children and my grandchildren. Two of those adult children moved out of the state last year and this year. Two young marrieds in our church with young children are leaving Illinois.

These are the kind of people we need here in Illinois. Young working families. Seniors can't carry this state. Kids in high school and college can't carry this state.

What can we do if a man running for office is calling for a graduated income tax that would require a constitutional amendment? Where does the middle class fall? Or some say we don't have a middle class any more or close to it, $50,000 or $100,000.

He says he wants to expand health care, and bridges, invest in higher education but with what?

Democrats have controlled the state , here is the history, we have overspent, over promised and over borrowed. At the end of the spring session they gloated that they have balanced the budget? A budget that has a 130 billion unfunded pension liability. The worst credit rating in the country.

Rauner proposes to cut budgets or reform the tax regulatory landscape to make Illinois more attractive to employers, but instead we raised the state income tax by 32%.

To top it off Pritzker gloats that he has family connections to the cannabis industry, his second cousin Joseph "Joby" Pritzker who is an investor in Pax Labs which sells vaporizers and pods of cannabis. And he gloats about this bringing in tax revenue by changes in the medical marijuana. Even Rauner is relaxing the bill to provide marijuana to be used instead of prescription opioids This eases access for all prospective patients by eliminating requirement for finger prints and background checks. Which would make Illinois one of the largest markets in the country.

Pritzker touts that this would cause legal cannabis to possibly increase an(estimated) $350 million to $700 million in annual taxes from the increased sales of marijuana! Really is our health worth providing more tax increase? Is there anyone out there listening? They still do not really know what marijuana does to our bodies I have a neighbor taking medical marijuana and at time's he doesn't know his name. I insist this is dangerous to our bodies and how many minds are going to be damaged before we see the results of this

What we really need in Illinois is another Mitch Daniels or maybe he himself to come and do the things that he did in INDIANA, and following Daniels in Indiana our current vice -president Pence to come and clean up Illinois. During his tenure, Daniels turned Indiana from a $700 million deficit into a billion-dollar surplus and he balance the budget even during a recession. What this means? There is a way for Illinois to turn around with the right leadership. If others have done it we can too. And maybe we would even get our children back.

God Bless America, even with all our problems, we are still the greatest country on earth. Go out and take your greatest privilege you have and vote.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Sean Casten Presents a False Business Background

Out on the campaign trail and in his T.V. adds Casten presents himself as a clean energy entrepreneur and a successful businessman.

But nothing could be closer to the truth. He says he's an outsider to "bring a common-sense approach to the job" for which he is highly qualified.

However in 2015, Casten was hit by a law suit from an investor in Recycled Energy Development. Casten was the company president and CEO. His company converted emissions from power plants into energy. The lawsuit contained allegations of mismanagement against Casten and his leaders for "baseless accounting manipulation,"  "inflated salaries," "improperly inflated bonuses," and irresponsible spending."

Casten settled with investors management firm. But preferred interest holders were given their investment plus their interest, common interest investors were not compensated.

Casten denied the allegations given in court saying "Everything that was said there was false. Period."

U.S. Rep. Peter Roskam running against Casten says "Casten is not ready to lead and has not been forthright with voters." "That is a big red flag and it speaks of being entrusted to something. The people who entrusted him with investments found him not to be trustworthy."

The race has national implications. It is viewed by both Republicans and Democrats as crucial to determining control of the house.

George Polk and his company Tulum Management filed the law suit, alleged that Casten manipulated financial results at RED(Recycled Energy Development) "in order to paint an optimistic financial picture that was simply unsupportable." The suit called the family leadership a "reign of error" and more focused on "ego gratification."

The suit was settled out of court. "We sold it under an agreement that every single investor, including Mr.Polk, agreed to because they thought that was an economically good thing to do ." Casten said, "So at the end of the day, I met my obligations to everybody who was out there."

Preferred interest investors received their principal plus 15% annual interest. Common interest holders received little or none of their interest.

Why report this? Because it shows irresponsibility upon Casten in running his business and that his mismanagement was a substantial loss to investors.  

In 2000-2007 Casten was president and CEO of Turbosteam, a company that specialized in design and sale of equipment to recover waste energy and turn it into electric power. Turbosteam was a subsidiary of RED Polk's investment firm said in court "it violated the operating agreement by authorizing the inappropriate transfer of funds in May 2012. This was to prop up Turbosteam, which was in the zone of insolvency and facing imminent bankruptcy.

"The overall impact of the Castens mismanagement is substantial" "under all of the assets in the Catens "reign of error" have yielded at least 20% loss in cash flows- and in some cases 80% less cash flow- than originally projected and several- are now inactive and thus effective write offs."

The list of failures are numerous, but all of this proves, Casten is not a good business manger and could be a destructive force in the chair of our government! Leadership is a quality needed to make us feel assured this person can handle the office and be an effective leader as a Representative of the house.

It not only is fearful it is downright scary to put this man in a power position of running our government. In any position, one must prove themselves capable of doing the job. This man does not meet the criteria need and also shows he has a tendency towards dishonesty. Not to forget he is linked to Mike Madigan. Do you want the two on the north side running things? 

Sean Casten is not the man for this job He has not proven himself the man who can handle this job. Better to choose a man who has all ready proven himself U.S. Rep. Peter Roskam

Monday, October 15, 2018

Sixty Thousand New Voters Sign Up For November 2018 Election

60,000 votes according to the Cook County Record to increase the 2018 election. These are voters outside of Chicago setting a record to possibly 1.6 million, a record high.

This is not the year to sit back and take it easy!!

Lately I have been disgusted with the my paper. There have been weeks when there were no positive mentions about Republicans or Conservatives. In this once conservative paper there is now bias towards the left over and over.

To my surprises today I opened the paper and at least a Republican was mentioned. Of course, the article is slanted but they at least mentioned Rep. Peter Roskam and a "larger than life -size cardboard cut out of President Donald Trump."

And they actually had a short mention that the Presidents presence "may be especially profound in crucial swing races." Which they probably had a hard time confessing.

Well, they may also be surprised that the vote of the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh actually has rallied the troupes on both sides of the isle.

Rep Peter Roskam won a sixth term in 2016. His opponent, is Democrat Sean Casten.

Roskam has said that Trump and Osama bin Laden "have tremendous amount in common" saying that Casten has a democratic version of Trump in terms of temperament.

Roskas also criticized Casten in using" politics of ridicule," calling Casten comments as " off- putting and jarring.

U.S. Rep. Peter Roskam, "So I'm of the view that the 6th district is very discerning. The 6th District has been a ticket-splitting district for a long time. Barack Obama won the old 6th district and I won it. Hillary Clinton won this district in the last cycle and I won it. So I think they've got the ability to distinguish and to make good decisions."

So whatever side you are on, Go Out and Vote! This is no time to sit back and think your candidate will win without your vote!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Kavanaugh Voted In Causing Uncertainty of the Supreme Court

Kavanaugh taking the place of the more moderate Anthony Kennedy causing conservatives to have a working majority of five justices. Making a possibility of broadening gun rights, and relaxing of campaign finance laws. There is also from the left concern about restriction of abortion rights and to rein in federal regulators.

One of the reasons many evangelicals and conservatives voted for President Trump was his promise to put conservative judges who were Constitutionalist on the U.S. Supreme Court. Who would apply the law as written and enforce the text, structure, and original understanding of the Constitution.
It seems as though Judge Brett Kavanaugh is such a judge based upon over 300 published opinions he has written.

He has demonstrated respect for the people threatened by government over-reach over and over again, and often rejected attempts by the federal government to impose onerous regulations on private citizens.

Judge Kavanaugh, {now a Supreme Court Justice} has proven himself to be a leader among his peers on the appellate courts and proven to be deeply respected by the members of the Supreme Court.   The Supreme Court has endorsed his opinions more than a dozen times,including his dissents, which have become the law of the land. His opinions are regularly cited by courts across the country.

Together with Justice Gorsuch and others, he has co-authored The Law of Judicial Precedent, a lengthy treatises on the importance of stare decisis {legal precedent}. He has devoted his life to public service, and has spent 25 of his 28 years serving the American people as an
Associate Independent Counsel, Associated White House Counsel, Assistant and Staff Secretary to George Bush, and as a judge.

Judge Kavanaugh once wrote "The Judges job is to interpret the law, not to make the law or to make policy. To read the words of the statue as written. Read the text of the Constitution as written, mindful of history and tradition. Do not make up new constitutional rights that are not in the text of the Constitution. Don't shy away from enforcing constitutional rights that are in the text of the Constitution".

The direction of the Supreme Court will determine the direction of our nation for the next 15-20 years.

President Trump has done a tremendous job of appointing judges who will uphold the constitution at all  levels in the court.

Written by permission of Concerned
Christian Newsletter

The first paragraph is of my own making formed from the Chicago Tribune

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Judge Brett Kavanaugh Receives Standing Ovation For Nomination To The Supreme Court

Leonard Leo, vice president of the conservative Federalist Society, is responsible for putting several people on the Supreme Court. And may once again help to put another conservative on board the nations highest court. 

Leo is a long time friend of Clarence Thomas and helped promote Republican appointees Justice Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch.

With a standing ovation President Trump announced the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, 53, who has been on the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals since 2006.

"Trump announced from his campaign he would choose nominees from two lists which had 20 Judges and lawyers. Then he added a third list with five more. Trump had three criteria. People who were extraordinarily well-qualified. People who were not weak. And he wanted people who would interpret the Constitution as framers meant it to be." Leo said.

Of course what is running through the progressives minds is the reversal of Roe V Wade. 

In an interview with CNN's Dana Bash about his view of abortion being discontinued Vice - President Mike Pence said ""Well, I do, but I haven't been nominated to the supreme court, Judge Kavanaugh has." "I'm pro-life, and I don't apologize for it." Pence continued, "I'm proud to be part of a pro-life administration that's advanced pro-life policies." "But what I can assure you is that what the president was looking for here was a nominee who will respect the Constitution as written, who will uphold the Constitution and all of his interpretations of the law."

To which I say a hardy "AMEN" that we cling to the Constitution as written by our forefather's!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

ERA Passes Out Of House Committee

Wednesday morning , May 16, the Equal Rights Amendment {SJRCA 4} passed out of House Human /services /committee in a vote 7-5. The amendment is now on the floor of the house. You say, how does the effect me? What is of importance to me and how does it affect us?

Tuesday afternoon, May 15, Rep Lou Lang, sponsor of the resolution did not have enough votes because one democratic member decided she could not support the resolution. So he replaced her with a substitute. But we are not out of the woods.

People are promoting the resolution and are setting up phone banks and calling legislators. Only the pro life legislators realize the seriousness of this bill. If passed the resolution will cause NO LIMITS on ABORTION across the nation, and could require TAX-PAYER funding for abortion all across the nation.

Some Republican legislators who always vote pro-life , have been convinced that the ERA will not have any impact on abortion, so they are planning to vote for the resolution.

Congressman Henry Hyde, well known constitutional scholar, testified against the ERA, in the US Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution{May 26, 1983}, "if it is proposed and ratified without an explicit provision against it's use as a pro- abortion device, will, in fact, be used to sweep away the minimal protection of unborn children that the courts currently allow, and also to mandate TAX FUNDING for abortions."

"The court holds have denied the constitutional right to a Government-financed abortion on the grounds that poor women who desire abortions are not within the so-called suspects classes against whom no law can discriminate without triggering strict scrutiny by the courts." {Strict scrutiny is the most stringent standard used by the courts to determine which is weightier-a constitutional right or the governments interest in overcoming the right.}

Strict scrutiny almost always results in the law being struck down as unconstitutional. If either sex or poverty had been designated by the court as a suspect classification, the Court as a suspect classification have found a right to abortion funding.

"Since 1970 the ERA advocates have emphasized that the amendment's principal legal effect would be to make sex a suspect classification under the Constitution the most important suspect classification at present is race. If sex discrimination were treated like race discrimination, Government refusal to fund abortions would be treated like a refusal to fund medical procedures that effect minority races."

Congressman Henry Hyde continues to say"If the Federal ERA were ratified there would be no need to for silence or evasion, so we would see ALL LAWS regulating abortion challenged vigorously on the argument that they are unconstitutional discrimination's against women.

It would be tragic if legislators who wish to minimize the killing of  pre-born children were to give lawyers and pro-abortion judges a new and powerful tool with which to enhance and extend the abortion right , especially by mandating the use of TAX FUNDS to pay for abortions."

PLEASE contact your state representatives and ask him or her to vote NO on the ERA {SJRCA 4}.

Published by permission Concerned Christians Newsletter

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