Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Judge Brett Kavanaugh Receives Standing Ovation For Nomination To The Supreme Court

Leonard Leo, vice president of the conservative Federalist Society, is responsible for putting several people on the Supreme Court. And may once again help to put another conservative on board the nations highest court. 

Leo is a long time friend of Clarence Thomas and helped promote Republican appointees Justice Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch.

With a standing ovation President Trump announced the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, 53, who has been on the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals since 2006.

"Trump announced from his campaign he would choose nominees from two lists which had 20 Judges and lawyers. Then he added a third list with five more. Trump had three criteria. People who were extraordinarily well-qualified. People who were not weak. And he wanted people who would interpret the Constitution as framers meant it to be." Leo said.

Of course what is running through the progressives minds is the reversal of Roe V Wade. 

In an interview with CNN's Dana Bash about his view of abortion being discontinued Vice - President Mike Pence said ""Well, I do, but I haven't been nominated to the supreme court, Judge Kavanaugh has." "I'm pro-life, and I don't apologize for it." Pence continued, "I'm proud to be part of a pro-life administration that's advanced pro-life policies." "But what I can assure you is that what the president was looking for here was a nominee who will respect the Constitution as written, who will uphold the Constitution and all of his interpretations of the law."

To which I say a hardy "AMEN" that we cling to the Constitution as written by our forefather's!!

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