Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Kavanaugh Voted In Causing Uncertainty of the Supreme Court

Kavanaugh taking the place of the more moderate Anthony Kennedy causing conservatives to have a working majority of five justices. Making a possibility of broadening gun rights, and relaxing of campaign finance laws. There is also from the left concern about restriction of abortion rights and to rein in federal regulators.

One of the reasons many evangelicals and conservatives voted for President Trump was his promise to put conservative judges who were Constitutionalist on the U.S. Supreme Court. Who would apply the law as written and enforce the text, structure, and original understanding of the Constitution.
It seems as though Judge Brett Kavanaugh is such a judge based upon over 300 published opinions he has written.

He has demonstrated respect for the people threatened by government over-reach over and over again, and often rejected attempts by the federal government to impose onerous regulations on private citizens.

Judge Kavanaugh, {now a Supreme Court Justice} has proven himself to be a leader among his peers on the appellate courts and proven to be deeply respected by the members of the Supreme Court.   The Supreme Court has endorsed his opinions more than a dozen times,including his dissents, which have become the law of the land. His opinions are regularly cited by courts across the country.

Together with Justice Gorsuch and others, he has co-authored The Law of Judicial Precedent, a lengthy treatises on the importance of stare decisis {legal precedent}. He has devoted his life to public service, and has spent 25 of his 28 years serving the American people as an
Associate Independent Counsel, Associated White House Counsel, Assistant and Staff Secretary to George Bush, and as a judge.

Judge Kavanaugh once wrote "The Judges job is to interpret the law, not to make the law or to make policy. To read the words of the statue as written. Read the text of the Constitution as written, mindful of history and tradition. Do not make up new constitutional rights that are not in the text of the Constitution. Don't shy away from enforcing constitutional rights that are in the text of the Constitution".

The direction of the Supreme Court will determine the direction of our nation for the next 15-20 years.

President Trump has done a tremendous job of appointing judges who will uphold the constitution at all  levels in the court.

Written by permission of Concerned
Christian Newsletter

The first paragraph is of my own making formed from the Chicago Tribune

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