Monday, February 14, 2011

He Brought Me Yellow Baby Roses..

This is my first Valentines Day without my husband. Another milestone. As much as you try not to let it bother you, it does.  I went to thee Dr's today because last Wednesday I had a car accident.   My neck is very sore. The Dr. doesn't think anything is broken, but the muscles are inflamed and swollen. Some of it is whip lash and some of it is fibromyalgia. Coming home I had to go to the pharmacy which is in the grocery store. I was doing OK until I saw the men buying flowers. I just wanted to get out of the store. When I arrived home my daughter had brought me flowers. One of the bouquets is of baby roses. Some are pink, but a few are yellow baby roses. A mistake? I don't think so. On our first date my husband brought me yellow baby roses. I have never told this to my children.

Just recently I found pictures of our first date. So many things I forget, but not our first date. I was tired of high school boys. My youth director asked if I would like to go to a formal banquet at the Bible College. It sounded interesting to me, so I said yes.  He would find me a date, a blind date. Actually, he had someone in mind.

I didn't have much money as I had left home at 16. I lived with my Pastor, his wife, and family. Someone in the church had a beautiful yellow formal dress. I tried it on. It fit perfectly. My youth director asked this young man and he said, yes. The youth director came to me and said the young man wanted to know the color of my dress.

The day drew near and I thought, what a dumb thing to do, go on a blind date. I thought I really should back out. My youth director was alarmed and said he thought I really would like this man. I finally decided to see it through.

They came to the house and entered our living room and we were introduced. Much later, my husband said he was quite taken by me. He said I was too beautiful for him. This did not show on his face that night. In his hand was a corsage of yellow baby roses. It was the kind of corsage you could wear on your wrist or on your dress. I do not remember how I wore it. After all this was 43 years ago. We went to the Harvest Festival and we talked the entire night through. He was a ministerial student. I really didn't think much about this. Later, after we entered the ministry I realized we should have thought more about this.

After this we had many more dates and more baby roses, always yellow. He also brought me funny cards. These were very popular in the sixties. I still have many of those cards he brought to me on dates.

I looked at the baby roses my daughter brought me. I have never told my children about the yellow roses that Dad had brought me on special dates. In fact, I look back and there are many things I haven't shared with them.

But,  I will always remember the yellow roses. God Bless, my husband and wait for me. Happy Valentines Day

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