Friday, February 25, 2011

The United Notions

Years ago we had an old evangelist who came to our church once a year. You would think one so old would not be up on end times. But this man knew bible prophecy and especially the subject of Israel and coming events. His entire sermon was usually on the middle east. He used to say, keep your eyes on the middle east. That's were all the action will be. How true he was as almost everyday we see countries from the middle east on television. It would be interesting to hear him now, but he has gone on before. We could use his wisdom and judgement.

I am sure Obama is listening to all of his advisers. but after the advisers are done, every president sits there alone with the decision that has to be made. He has a hard decision right now. Everyday we see the turmoil in Libya and other countries around it. How much more we can watch of this blood shed I don't know. I only know innocent people are dying on the streets.

It's easy to go to the UN. But the UN doesn't always have the answer as President  Bush faced. Of course it was controversial. But he came to the conclusion all the sanctions and other deterrents didn't make much difference to the enemy.

Brother Elby as we called him,  he would say the United Nations has a notion. They have a notion to do something but that is as far as it gets. So he called the United Nations the United Notions.

In the case of Libya, allowing them to go back under Gadafi would be dangerous and life threatening. Just to put sanctions on them would only harm the ones who want freedom. If the President takes this choice, which he probably will, it will leave the Libyans in worse situation than before the revolt.

Because he will have a notion to do something, but doesn't really do it.

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