Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Danger of the Muslim Brotherhood

In Mubarak naming Omar Suleiman as Vice President has only deepened the problem in Egypt.  Suleiman will use his connection with the Egyptian Army to come down on the Egyptians. President Obama stepping in has created a bigger problem, as the people do not what Mubarak to stay in the country nor anyone connected to him.  In this environment of conflict and chaos it keeps open the door for the Muslim Brotherhood.  They are an extremely dangerous group that has had many terrorists who have come out of it. In this situation the people are not going to want to wait until September for elections. They want freedom now.

Many have said they will be on the streets until Mubarak leaves town and his friends. The longer there is turmoil and unrest the Muslim Brotherhood will be at hand to get their foot in the door. The scary part about this group is, Our President. As of late Washington is giving the appearance that we no longer value the relationships with our friends, especially Britain and Israel.  And he is reaching out to this group of dangerous people.  During his 2009 visit to Cairo he went out of his way to invite Muslim Brotherhood members of Egypt's parliament to attend his speech. The Brotherhood has penetrated the parliament with about 20% of the body.  Muslim Brotherhood does not consider Hamas and Hezbollah to be terrorist organizations.  Over the past two years the White House has been trying to convince the Muslim Brotherhood that they no longer considered them an enemy.

This is an incorrect statement as the brotherhood has produced may terrorists. And had a part in the assassination of Sadat. In 1979 the brotherhood became an enemy of  Sadat because he signed a peace agreement with Israel in 1979. He was assassinated by an Islamist group Tanzum al-Jihad on October 6, 1981.

The brotherhood also believes strongly in Shariah law and of forming a large union around the world. Don't listen to the liberals who say the Brotherhood is not a problem. They are dangerous and they are not going to go away.

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