Saturday, March 12, 2011

Pictures Of Our Trip To Colorado - July 2010 - Six Weeks Before He Passed

Lookout Mountain looking down on Golden, Colorado

I made him get this hat, he was not sure about it

Dr. Houghton and Dr. Meyer, one of my husbands professors at Denver Baptist Bible College

I don't remember why he did this, but I got a picture of it

The conference was at Glenn Erie Castle near Colorado Springs. He sang but I couldn't get a picture of him

He never knew I took this picture

People ask me why I left Colorado, I married this kid from Chicago

Wonderful time with friends at the Bible College Reunion

I loved the Castle

I Love Colorado

He made me get this fleece jacket, it was cold beleive it or not for July

Lake near Nederland where I lived as a kid

I miss him, I never would have dreamed this was our last trip.

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