Thursday, March 3, 2011

Walking by faith

Tonight I was at the grocery store and a woman who works there has become a friend of mine. I was in the new line where you check out yourself. Which, by the way, I love. You don't have to wait for price checks or anything. She was standing there talking to me and my tomatoes came up to five dollars. I was shocked. Prices have risen sharply the last few months. And it seems that I am getting gas continually. I really have to think more about my trips and what I am doing. Trying to work it out so I don't make extra trips. In Chicago we have one of the highest gas prices in the country. And in a month or so they will add summer additives. We are one of only five states who have this. So we will be paying highest prices by summer. My friend at the store said the government has to do something. I agree and most of the decisions the government has made lately have made our lives worse.

I am glad for my faith in God that he knows these problems and he will help to supply my needs. Sometimes we have to just sit back and say I don't know how we are going to get through this. But God will make a way. I know it sounds polyanish. but walking by faith is much better than worry and fear. I am glad for a spiritual husband who always talked about walking by faith. Now that he is gone I hear his words so much stronger. Plus I have tapes to listen to that not only do I get to hear his voice, but still his guidance in my life.

It is not easy to walk by faith, but it is much harder to try to work it out yourself. God will lead you through these hard times if you let him. The key is to pray and let him lead. He will not forsake his own.Trust him to guide you through these hard times.

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