Friday, March 11, 2011

Waves 33 Feet High Hit Coast of Northern Japan from Earthquake

Japan is experienced with earthquakes, but this is a big one. At 8.9 magnitude, it struck at night leaving people stuck at work because trains were suspended. Some stayed in their offices to sleep while others walked home throughout the night.

Eleven trains are still full of people who can't get off. One train they can't find. Off the coast of Sendai where quake hit hardest are raging fires. Helicopters are circling trying to help people. 300 bodies found on coastal shore, but when daylight appears many more will be found. 

In Ofunato 300 houses have been swept away into the sea. Two aftershocks have happened of 5.1 magnitude and many more will follow. It is the 6th largest quake ever registered since beginning of recording quakes. 50,000 US troops are in Japan and US is asked to help. President Obama will give a message later today.

Our hearts and prayers for the people of Japan.

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