Monday, April 25, 2011

Good Friday, Bad Friday For Obama

New poll from New york Times and CBS say Obama is leading the country in the wrong direction. 70% of Americans are not happy with the way things are going. To top it off over the weekend gas prices rose again as we see no relief at the pumps to come soon.

Many feel it is because of the indecision Obama has over the war in Libya. By lengthening the war, and not not going in with foot troops, only an air campaign, many feel it has made the war worse and last longer. Also it has left more time for the oil fields to be damaged. Now the fields are so damaged we see no quick end to getting oil prices lower sooner. We are scrambling to get our oil from other countries and that takes time too.

His indecisive nature has truly hurt us through this endeavour, much as he did during the oil spill.

The second battle looming is the debt ceiling, for which he wants to raise it. Republican say that isn't going to happen without spending reduction. This must reach some kind of conclusion in the near future.

When will it get better for us is the question?? How much higher will the gas go especially for us in Chicago as we have summer additives coming on us?? Probably making us one of the highest in the nation for the summer months. 

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