Thursday, April 14, 2011

When You Make Your Base Unhappy You Are in Trouble

Liberals are concerned that the President will give Republicans the Medicare and Medicaid cuts in order to make them happy.  More and more Obama is trying to give the appearance he is moving to the center to reclaim the independent voters he has lost.  Dems are becoming more and more unhappy behind closed doors. With his slashing of funds for popular Dem programs and the controversial trade agreement with Columbia he has at times angered the left.

They also aren't happy with his decision in December to cut upper income taxes and entering the middle-east conflict without going to congress.

Re. Peter DeFazio {D-Ore} said the President should start acting like a democrat.

This strategy of moving to the center is only causing him to lose the left. Dems aren't happy with the $38.5 billion cut because of cuts to education and health. Even is pressuring him on entitlements.

Behind the closed doors Dems are becoming unhappy with the way Obama has been disengaged with policy fights in recent months.

It's not good to lose your base.

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