Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"The President Is Raging Against A Budget Crisis He Created" - John Boehner Wall Street Journal

Sequester is one week away and yet some people are not fully aware of what it is and the dangers involved with it. Until a few months ago we rarely heard of the word and now it looms a serious policy with devastating results. And the blaming is going on between the President and the Republicans with the President saying yesterday if sequester happens Republicans are to blame. But the President himself is the maker of the idea and the main one behind the sequester.

So with this impending upon us what does the Congress and the President do? They take a vacation. Who dreamed up the sequester? The President. What is it? Simply, a large plan of spending cuts that will come in giant waves which will start on March 1.

It will start with $85 billion in spending cuts that will go across the board and it has no mercy. These cuts will continue for ten years costing 1.1 trillion. We need these cuts but not the way it is being done. With the main thrust of the plan, nearly one half going to the Department of Defense.  None going to entitlement spending.

And here is the crux of the problem, for some reason the President chose the military, which will cut  half a trillion dollars in ten years from it's budget. At a time when we need to be strong in defense. At a time when we are involved with a serious battle with Al-Qaeda and other terrorists organizations. At a time when the world is in serious upheaval and needs America's involvement and leadership the most. Is it any wonder that Europe is asking where is America's leadership? In the Middle East they cry out and plead our help and strength. When thousands are dying in Syria and we stand by. When the President takes a lead from behind stance and leaves our allies wanting, and lacking our help. It is mind boggling to try to see your wisdom in these trying days and just where are you? You, Mr. President are cutting our military.

The President has downplayed this war from the beginning, not even calling it a war. Jay Carney for one of the first times a few weeks ago actually called it a war on Al Qaeda and Benghazi is only a A SMALL PICTURE of what has been going on in our war department and behind the scenes. Many are now beginning to question the pulling out of Iraq and now also Afghanistan.

Not to think of all the frivolous money spending and wasted projects that amount to nothing in Congress, why not go after these first? It makes you wonder, why would the President think of weakening our defenses first? Why target this?

We ask Mr. President, where is the leadership? And why cut spending in the defense department and endanger American lives? My thinking is defense should be at the bottom of the list not the top in government cutting. This is a dangerous and irresponsible move on the part you and of the Congress. America needs to remain strong in defense, a leader in the world, and should be your first concern and not on the cutting edge of a sequester.

We call on you and the Congress to put a stop to this by all means. America's future depends on the strength of our military in these crucial days we live in.

It was a bad idea put out by a seemingly weak President. Put a stop to this and show your strength.

A more than concerned American.

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