Thursday, February 7, 2013

If You Weren't Afraid of Obama Before You Should Be Now

With the winning of the election Obama sees himself as unstoppable, and able to do most anything he wants. He is no longer concerned with how people view him because he does not need to run for office again. And he is pulling out all stops.

In a recent 16 page document that has been leaked to NBC Judge Napolitano releases some pretty scary news. He says, 'The law justifies ANY breaking of ANY LAWS by a "informed high level official" of the U.S.Government." He further states "The law can be used by "any high level official" giving the lawful power to make decisions to suspend constitutional protection and then kill them without due power of the law." In other words Obama is becoming a law unto himself.. He is over the law and not under the power of the Constitution. Last night on Bill O'Reilly, Bob Beckel said that the new law is unconstitutional. Quite a statement for a  strong supporter of Obama.

This coupled with the new gun laws is making Obama the supreme ruler. The king, and potentate of the Obama kingdom. He will use the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act with use of background checks and Dr.s to find out if you have a gun. If you do not answer this question correctly you may be held accountable for breaking and lying to the law.

Other scary statements in the Obama's 23 Executive Actions on Gun Violence Reduction under point #16 Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes. Dr's are going to become cops. It is very important that a patient trusts their Dr. This is pulling trust out from under the patient. No longer will your Dr. be your friend,  he or she will become your foe.

And we are just a few weeks into his next four years. It is imperative that we stay united. WE must stick together and fight. Our freedoms are being yanked from under us with the power of a pen. Stand together, don't let Obama divide us. This is our America, this is our country.

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