Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What Will It Be Like Flying the Skies After the Sequester?

Once the sequester gets through it will take only a matter of time before the skies will be in trouble. Federal Aviation Administrator Micheal P Huerta announced that because fewer controllers will be on staff there will be major flight delays and closure of hundreds of air traffic control towers in small airports.

Flights to major cities like New York, Chicago and San Francisco could experience delays as much as 90 minutes during peak rush hours making already late landings even worse because of fewer controllers on staff.

Also there will be elimination of midnight shifts in 60 air traffic control towers. And the sequester will  close up to 230 air traffic control towers at airports.

Huerta concludes he agrees with Ray La Hood who said last week "that the sequester would wreck havoc on air travel across the country." If this happens aviation workers would have hiring freezes and job loses.

LaHood said on Sunday talk shows that there will be some $600 million in cuts to the Federal Aviation Administration. LaHood puts pressure on the GOP stating that the Obama administration has put forth a plan but the Republicans haven't. Republican's are disagreeing with this statement.

One thing clear LaHood stressed Sunday that safety will not be compromised. "We will never take a back seat to safety. Safety will not be compromised."

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